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In dazzled astonishment
She looked up from her reverie
As she heard the flap of wings overhead
And saw the flash of laser beams in her dim lit room
Before her, stood a winged seraph
A radiant silhouette with such gentleness and grace
As never beholden on any human face
With its hands raised in benediction,
It saluted Mary and said
“Blessed art thou amongst women…
The rest she heard in a trance.
Unable to comprehend what was said,
The girl looked up nonplussed.
Again it said, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee
And a son shall be born of thee
Whom you shall call Jesus”

In that nanosecond of a new revelation
Did Mary’s world shatter like glassware
Or did her ****** womb thrill with new life
Did she swim in the waters of joyful tidings?
Or gyrate in the sweeping swirl of tidal waves

For the girl already espoused to a man
In whose dreams his comely form had begun
Flitting in and out
Was it a moment of silent ravishment?
Or of stupefied bewilderment
Did a dagger cut through her heart?
Or did her soul take wing in flight???
This is Christmas time. This poem is an exploration of Annunciation by Gabriel to Mary from an average man's perspective.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Just missed  yesterday
In a beautiful way

All my senses adored you
And you are new
(Full Moon)

All my thoughts searched you
And I reached you
Though you are few
But you gave a view
That I have to grew

To know that
You're not the poorest
But the richest

In the world of happiness
(Poor in status and rich in happiness)
God, showing me different things.
Doesn't know how to react
But forcing myself to let go !!
Arise all of you who live under the heavens. To all who live life, let us give our God adoration, let us praise his name. Cry out with a shout of exaltation. Let the heavens proclaim his greatness, from horizon to horizon. Let the name of the lord be made great. Give thanks for his mercy and let us give him praise.
There is no peace on earth and we have lost good will towards men. We only want to hoard up wealth and to get more than we give. The cheer has gone out of our lives and we find no joy within. Would someone tell me where Christmas is, can anybody answer me?
There are plenty of diseases around, take
an American motel room, shine an
ultraviolet on wall switches,
pillows, see seminal fluid
& mucus splotched like
a Jackson *******,
these are seen,

now,  flick a light & open your eyes
& recognize the overt sickness of
racism, spread  like jam
across American
bread, widely
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Her beautiful face was burning,
From your words spat like acid.
Her shape to be reconstructed,
Because you didn't like the way it flared out.

As if she is not allowed to control her destiny,
Because "Being allowed is a privilege."
But her face is melting like a candle,
Wax splattering on the floor.

You tell her not to make such a mess,
As you degrade her down more

This relationship is poisonous,
Flowing through her bloodstream,
That used to be pure and healthy.

Ah, You tell me that you love her,
But this is not love,
When she states her opinion,
And you stop her with a hardened shove.

Her face is still melting!
Can you not see?
That all the things you do,
Just end in catastrophe.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Feeling bad
Often I think
Why I am living
But I know
That I live
Only for dying
But God !!
Please stop giving
Hate me for sharing
Sorry just poured out !!
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Special personal log:
We had set sail early on the 20th day of the second month in the year of 1728.  The waters seem tame and the winds sang a pleasent south song.  Almost exactly a day out of dock we encounter what I can best describe as a blue sun in the ocean.   In the early morning twilight a blue light shined from below.    Lightning bolts seem to emit from the waters and dance about the starless sky.  It was then I saw with my own eyes a man floating above the sea spinning a long stick made of blue light above him.  His eyes glowed blue and he uttered a strange chant.   In that moment we were all blinded in an amazing flash of blue light.  A creature now was in the place of the man.  Its wings were grand beyond imagination!  It was a dragon!  It then flew beyond the sky leaving behind ripples of blue light.
Star serpent
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