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Benjamin May 2022
My heart is withered;
thin and gaunt.
The chambers hollow and empty.

There is only so much pain
A person can beat against
Before begging for some rest

For the heart to stop.
To no longer have to fight
this never ending battle.

And have death's sweet embrace
Benjamin May 2020

[Didn't get much sleep.
Spent most of the night doing research
Finding the most effective way to die
Weighing up all the variables;
people that will be hurt
possibility of failure
hope for something unknown]

Just tired
Benjamin May 2020
Happiness has always been elusive
Fleeting like a crisp breeze.
Randomly uncontrollable and untamable,
but enjoyable when rarely experienced.

But that is not entirely true.

Wallowing here in my bed,
shut off from all that exists
drowning myself in my own darkness:
I am much less likely to find that breeze
Benjamin Mar 2019
Ah Ben, haven't seen you in so long
Hey man, how you doing?
Good thanks, how are you?
Okay thanks, how's everything going?
Yeah alright, how about you?
Can't complain, what's happening?
Nothing much, what's new with you?
I guess life has become a real burden
Really thinking about killing myself
Well nice to see you
Same I guess
Benjamin Aug 2018
I lay peacefully in bed, resting my heavy eyes
Eager to meet that long yearned for sweet slumber.
A heavy drop strikes my chest:
"Have I isolated myself all this time?"
It came out of nowhere, so unassuming
I'm certain I will drift off soon, it was nothing.
But then another. Such a sudden piercing discomfort:
"Everything about life is exhausting"
Oh god, here we go again.
The heavens open releasing a downpour of darkness
It crushes my chest with such ferocity
and destroys any hope or will that dared to linger
I try to resist, hoping I will make it through
But who am I kidding, I'm going to drown before I fall asleep
The pressure building is so intense.
My heart is going to explode any second.
I need shelter.
I jump up, get my phone
and sink into the soothing mind-numbing videos of YouTube
My little multicolored umbrella to forget about the rain
Even if only for a few solitary hours.
Benjamin Aug 2018
I am told that I see with a distorted view.
Something that is a part of me but separate
causing me to focus on the worst parts of life.
And I am tempted to believe what they say.
Though there is never a denial to the darkness,
merely stating that I don't see enough of the light.

Could it be that people focus only on the light
Blissfully unaware to all that is so terrible
Does that mean I see what others do not,
That it is everyone else who is truly in the dark?

Now obviously one of those two is more appealing
But I am not as interested in comfort as I am in truth
If the reality of this world is so harsh
How sad is it that there is a need to turn away
Look the other way from all the pain and suffering
Benjamin Mar 2018
Trudging through life, every step more of a burden
Carrying the thick and heavy tar that is a part of me
Making the smallest movements exhausting.
All I want is sleep: clean neverending restful sleep
Constantly waiting for that sweet demise
It has become a romantic notion
Something I long for like a soul mate
Death will cover me in his warmth.
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