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  Sep 2014 Becca Seyoum
I spent forever searching
for a girl whose lips tasted like Cherry Coke with wisdom
seeping out of her throat as she spoke
Becca Seyoum Jun 2014
i cant wait until i forget about you
Becca Seyoum Jun 2014
im tired of blue eyes
Becca Seyoum Jun 2014
I'm not good at remembering song titles, celebrity names, or what happens in movies I've already seen
Becca Seyoum Jun 2014
i want your face to be close to my face

i want to look in your eyes and kiss
you a whole lot

i want our legs all wrapped up

i want to get all hot to where we gotta take a second to breathe

i want you
Becca Seyoum Jun 2014
Black was there with you

  when you took too many shots

  and passed out at 4am

Black was what you imagined

  before you fell asleep at night

Black stayed with you

  until the sun came up

Black was empty

and full

of ideas


black was


of life

but no light

black was

  Jun 2014 Becca Seyoum
Jeremy Duff
I enjoy looking at flowers
and snorting oxy.

I like reading poetry
and getting into fights.

I'm different around you and I think I like that.
I'm more gentle, less accusatory.
I speak softer and with more love.
I'm waiting for you to fall in love with me
and I'm working on fixing myself.
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