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 2d hsn
I do not
Fit into any of the groups

I am a color not found on the puzzle
Or maybe visible by the human eye

But I am constantly on the watch
For other wanderers
School has very distinct groups, none of which I fit in to. I try to find others who don't fit--no luck so far.

(This note was written by a caterpillar that went to the store to buy some candy but the realized that he could go skydiving instead. When he did that he died because he decided that no parachute could tell him what to do. The end.)
 3d hsn
I called them "grown ups"
Until I was old enough to realize
That some of them didn't grow up

From my experience
Mostly for bad
But sometimes for good
My dad never grew up from that toddler stage of the world revolving around him, throwing tantrums, and not being able to care for others. :D

Also, I am very pro keep your inner child alive, so don't get the wrong idea. That's what I meant by for good.

(This note was written by a wrench with a cool-mint stench. It's favorite place was a bench.)
 3d hsn
Broken glass
Breaks skin

Now it's bleeding
I don't know if it makes sense, but I mean broken people break others. Not an excuse though.

(This note was written by a tree that swam in the sea)
 3d hsn
 3d hsn
i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i hate winter
and the cold weather always seems to get to me
i would love to migrate somewhere warmer
somewhere my seasonal depression would never eat at me

i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i always flee from things
and leave things that are good for me
i would love to be able to run away from my problems
run away from people that love me and never look back

i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i long for family
and raising kids
i would love to make a family that is better than the one i grew up in
to make a home full of love

i think i was supposed to be a bird
the way i wish i was a part of a flock
and have people to count on
i would love to have a group that always gets along
always there for each other

i wish i was bird
i saw a huge flock of birds migrating today and it made me realize how interesting they are and how badly i want to be one
Me Tarzan you Jane
misogynistic ape man —
Lord of the jungle
 4d hsn
Within my fallen body,
Roots will thrive.

And in them, I am alive.

As old as my arms reach,
They will bare the fruit of all that has come before me.

I shall feed to the next generation of disciples,
The sugars that are born from this forgotten language.

And there we will all rise,
as we flow back down the river line.
This unfortunately was brought on and inspired by a Kanye song
 4d hsn
you are the fire
burning in my heart

and on a lonely winter night
there is only desire

a candle bleeds wax
as you watch.

it drips, drips down
like the frost on your heated windows.

can you see my face as you look in a little closer

feel my rosy-cheeks
they are not red in heat

do you know of desire?

tell me about the fire.
every time
i speak my own
name i taste
the blood of
my mother's bit
lip (&) held tongue-- a self shed
to take rein

o' my father's flatiron
the blood, reigned (&)
i remain—
sanguine & ruddy
after all
(these broods).
thoughts on immigration, identity, class & patriarchy.
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