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With all odds
against us
Our heart in love
is always young
Believing the impossible
Keeping the faith
we made it
That’s destiny

Finally hugging you
A friend, a lover
my beloved
One human soul
who I trust utterly
blessed love
You and I
Are water and salt:
Needing one another
To live,
But dying of thirst
If taken together.
 Dec 2014 Barkley Layne
Genesis X
Words are the most wonderful things that would have existed in this world,
but now words are poison.
Even the world is rotting with liars, deceivers and flatterers.
Now words are merely dropped down, like candy wrappers.

Now I figure why no one desires the truth,
when words that would have been worth diamonds,
were merely said as if they were just soil in the ground.
when precious words that would've been treasured were just foolishly given away.

How many words of admiration have been wasted?
How many words of affection have been jested?
How many terms of endearment were truly heartfelt?
How many confessions were ever truly meant?

Words come and go as a craft of our tongues,
rather than a masterpiece of our hearts.
Words slip carelessly like unwanted wastes,
rather than carefully thought endeavors.

Now I am the boy who cried wolf,
whose words are mere garbage.
When I learned to truly tell you I love you, I adore you, I revere you, I need you,
'Twas too late, for the sugar has lost its taste.

Now then how can I tell you the sincerest words,
when the honey has already numbed your tongue?
Now how can I tell the sweetest affections I have for you,
when the words I've already wasted were as good as gone?

Now these words I offer, to your ear they may never sound new.
But know this, from now til the end of my days, all these words shall only be for you.
To my dearest Husky, the matter and energy of my universe... my everything. I know I've wasted a lot of words before, but now words wasted for you- they are words well spent. This is for you and you alone.
I secretly loved you for so long
My love
You gave me new life

Your deep, dark eyes
Made me drunk on our first trip to the wilderness
I wandered everywhere to seek solace
All I found was your sweet love
Echoing from the mountains
The valleys, the rivers, the trees

Our love was not of this world
Yes, it was sent from the stars
In the remote corners of our memories
Don’t we still remember
being with one another
in a previous thousand lives?

I am not new to you
You are not new to me
I am here once again for you
Just as you came once again
calling my name
looking for that face
That heart that only beats for you

Do not ever leave me
We are two bodies but one soul
One cannot survive alone

How can we live without each other?
Love precedes all
We have come to this earth perhaps
after thousands of years
Languishing, waiting for our return
In my shadow, your shadow dances
We live to uplift one another
We live to just love

There is no ending in such love
Only new beginnings
Tears flow boundlessly
Such is the beauty of this passion
The moments that we have shared
Our glory, our taste, our smell
Your skin and mine
An explosion of soul
Flowering of inner self
Unleashing all that is within

Anxious to merge with the infinite
the movements, motions, symbols
To merge in the silence
the actions turning into joy

Love? How do I see it?
Let go of the self
and you’ll meet
a madman
coming out of you
The sky became dark
The waves were getting rough
The dining room was full of beautiful people
looking their best, all dressed up
The tables started to shake
Lightly at first
Everyone sipping their drinks, quenching their thirst
No one noticed, as the ship began to shake
Waves getting bigger
Get ready for the quake
No one was prepared
For what was to come
Blissfully eating and drinking
Getting comfortably numb
Smiling faces filled the room
Lights went dark, then came the gloom
Whistles were singing
fear in the air
Did anyone know, did anyone care?
Then it hit
Out of nowhere
A wall of water, no time for fear
It's time to say goodbye
Kiss me one more time my love
Before we die
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