I walk down the street
late at night
a sense of paranoia
mixes with fright
I hear footsteps behind me
voices whisper in my head
I look back
all that's there
is a stray cat
it runs into the distance
I'm anxious to get home
each passing minute
feels endless
I wish I was safe at home
I pass a beggar
throw some change into a cup
but he gets up
and starts following me
block after block
I'm starting to get scared
as I walk down a dark street
three right turns
and he's still there
behind me
I hurry, and pick up my feet
but he simply walks faster
matching my beat
he starts talking
asking me questions
where I'm going
if I'm single
if I'm interested in a bargain
I ignore him
keep walking
he's still there, right behind me
I finally reach home
turn onto my cul de sac
check the locks three times over
make sure they're intact
go upstairs
shaking with what could've been
pondering why
this always seems to happen
to me