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Aug 2018 · 274
Bai Aug 2018
You make this big roller coaster track on my chest.
You place my heart on the very front seat.
Every words that you said.
Every things that you did.
Are the engine to this big game.
I'm not afraid of height or high speed.
I'm just afraid of uncertainty.
This roller coaster has flexibility to change.
Change the track.
I don't know when it goes slow, fast, up, down.
Or turn around, flip me over.
Let me breath for awhile.
Or not.
Let me feel the joy.
Or not.
I don't know when is when.
All I know is,
this ride will stop when you're not belong to the world.
Aug 2018 · 264
Bai Aug 2018
Sound is echoing in my ear
Wind is rubbing on my skin
Smell is undetected by my nose
Taste is no longer tasty for my mouth
And you can't be seen by my eyes

— The End —