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Kithma Kaluwitharana
New Rochelle, NY   
Nowhere    I am a young man adjusting to sunlight. I guess that is all you need to know for now.
Dre Brax
Michigan    when people are free to do as they please; they usually imitate each other. "art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."
Griselda De Anda
a piece of silly laughter next to a stab of pain
Michael W Noland
Seattle    It is all true
The North Star
RA 6h 45m 9s | Dec -16° 4    The stars are infinite. As are the avenues of my mind. ©️ All Poems and Writings are my intellectual property and as such are protected …
I write poetry to explore a science that can't be seen.
Jon Shierling
Old Florida    It goes without saying All Rights Reserved. (Disclaimer: These poems are non-commercial, personal poems to be used for educational or research purposes only. "Fair use" …
Guwahati,India    Married, with wife and a daughter. Tribal study, nature and environment, livelihood security of tribal are the preferred area of activity.
James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
Diary of the Damned
Stanford, Kentucky    My writing has always been my personal way of waging war on the darkness that threatens to steal my hope and my dreams so as …
heaven    Stronger then I thought. message me whenever you'd like ♡ Keep up with this account on twitter @mercy7375
Petal pie
Brighton, England    Loopy lady loves to muse and converse with others, writes amateur odes from time to time. I love flowers, my kids, making things, my job …
Azimah Azmi
I feel bad for the people who never go crazy
Virginia, US    Haughty.
21/F    Follow me @adyb.b at Instagram Sincerely, Me. Copyright © Ady B. All rights reserved.
Afrodita Nestor
Vienna, Austria    Born to Love :)
November 19th 12:37 2014
C a l i f o r n i a    I'm Jeanette, I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading, writing, photographing, eating, laughing at dogs wearing sunglasses, complaining about hot weather, and avoiding people …
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