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 Jan 2016 astronaut
Mike Essig
 Jan 2016 astronaut
Mike Essig
All poets are young,
some are just trapped
in older bodies.

 Nov 2015 astronaut
 Nov 2015 astronaut
The warmth envelopes
Pastel and porcelain;
“Mist my soul with your breath”;
I beg, I beg.

I whisper to myself,
cradling brittle hands,
and surrender to the mystery
of your tidal sway.

Somewhere you lie,
Seeding clouds,
Nourishing roots,
Stirring violet galaxies.

Come to bleed me,
Find me entirely undone.
I have not breathed
Since we last touched.
 Aug 2015 astronaut
Sara Teasdale
Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten,
Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold,
Let it be forgotten for ever and ever,
Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.

If anyone asks, say it was forgotten
Long and long ago,
As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfall
In a long forgotten snow.
 Aug 2015 astronaut
his souls reminds me with the colour of the sky in the morning
he's listening to his music right now thinking about something red

whenever he smile,
he smile with both of his eyes

I'm here, he's there
but the thoughts of him
is always on my mind
my feelings kept looking for this one guy, I can't stop think about him. but I can't trust with my feelings because it can change overnight. so i write it here because i want to remember this feelings :-)
 Aug 2015 astronaut
Long bus journeys,
Pouring rain. Soaked to the bone,
Hunger pains.
Its already dark out,
Almost six. Waiting for the bus,
I feel so sick.
I'm alone. I'm so alone.
I'm off the bus, its seven
According to my phone.
Walking in the miserable dark,
Down the familiar path,
I'm dreading "home", Detention please take me back.
I get in the door, get yelled at and go up the stairs.
I'll just rest my head, I wake up to my alarm.
I'm  lying in bed.
I panic. My homework. It wasn't done last night
I'm crying, if i tell the truth they'll think I'm lying,
Its not alright.
I didn't forget. I didn't forget,
To them I lied and said the opposite.
They said "All the chances I gave you I regret"
"Just do your homework"
Do you not think i try? My essays are incomplete cause i stay up half the night, being yelled at.
So you give me MD after MD, saying it will "help" me.
To you I'm just another wasted youth with potential thats lazy,
I deserve no credentials because my work and attitude is hazy.
You must think that I dont care ,
But really I do, I'm trying I swear.
I cant fit school into my schedule.
Dear school, I really had fun,
With my friends, and now I'm almost done.
But you didn't help,all you did to me was yell.
You don't know me,im just a name and number on paper.
But perhaps my experiences would shock you like a tazer.
Stop being rude to your students, we all have our own ****,
Be nice instead, we all struggle a good bit, be nice dont pretend.
Yours unfortunately, Amelia
The End.
Its long but i was reflecting over (mostly) my junior cycle spent in detention. Education doesn't reflect intelligence.
maybe in 10 years we'll bump into each other

we'll catch up on all the time we let run away

and how desperately in love I was with you

and we can laugh about how we broke eachothers hearts.
though something tells me you'll be around for a while
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