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it's not poetry, it's just words
Traci Eklund
Northern Mitten, USA    A women bursting with wanderlust and a passion for catching the words within her head and harnessing it upon the page.
K Balachandran
Kerala, India    Poetry to me is self exploration that reveals submerged landscapes, otherwise one is unaware of.I love to read fiction and poetry.As a daily news journalist …
Katlyn Orthman
21/F/Minnesota    ~Give me a pen and I'll write my life away~
Randi G
21/Gender Questioning/Oregon   
Thomas EG
24/M/Ireland    Still growing
Argentina    I'm into poetry mail exchanges. Send me a message, please.
Ariana Sweeney
Colorado    Writing poetry as malleable as my mind. I like alliteration. "If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with …
121/address/unknown    Perpetual writer's block
Canada    Strung and stitched entirely from impulsive emotions.
Rikkie Elyse
cincinnati    This is not poetry I just don't know how to write complete sentences
Amanda Stoddard
United States    writer. poet. peer supporter
Danielle Shorr
Los Angeles    Songwriter, spoken word poet, cat enthusiast, sunflower lover, crow admirer, undoubtedly human.
Madisen Kuhn
25/Cisgender Female/Charlottesville, VA    @madisenkuhn | | author of eighteen years + please don't go before i get better + almost home
Missouri, USA    "If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer"

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