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Ashley cogger Mar 2015
you where the one that left me in the cold
you where the one that lied
you where the one that beat me so bold
And im the one that died

you where the one that stood so proud
while i cried in side
you where the one so loud
And im the one with no pride

you where the one that i loved
the one i trusted
but now you shuved
me out, quite francly im discusted
# **** that *****
Ashley cogger Mar 2015
Mums their loving,kind and caring
they help us when we fall
they stop us from despairing  
In no time at all

Mums can be tough and strict
Although in are best interest
with the same boring script
saying this, that and all the rest  

Mums love us no matter what
with a kiss on are head
or a kick up the ****
to send us to bed

so love your mum
like I do mine
and your life will be sublime
Love you mum
Ashley cogger Feb 2015
I'm not sure what I feel
Or when to Feel it
I'm not sure is it love ?
Or just a moment of bliss
is it  pain?
the way I'm feeling

I know what you did  
But not why you did it
you crushed my dreams
And ******* my life

So now standing here
with life in my hands
I say ***** the feelings
and ***** the pain
I wont be missed
but I will have bliss
Ashley cogger Feb 2015
what a thrill
What a time
In the midnight we prance
What a rush
What a race
In the midnight we prance
What a Distance
What a dance
In the midnight we prance
What a crash
What a loss
in the midnight we pranced

— The End —