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 Sep 2014 AriGio
Suzanne Penn
So many others
over thought
and pulled apart
the threads
that are me.

You take the time
to untangle me
and leave me
smooth and content.

You became my backing
holding me pristine
for the world to see
Believing in me
without question.

You do not see me
as an adornment, a babble...
To you, my mess is
your valued
essential treasure

I can see in your eyes
our deep comfort
settled next to
a fierce passion.

The threads that are me
are worn and frayed
in some places
barely holding their own
Until the threads that are you
wove in next to me.

You saved me
in a most realistic way
now together
The cloth that is we.
 Sep 2014 AriGio
Elijah Corbeau
A heart contains several notes-
Melodies for special situations.
Played like drums or quickly strummed,
they produce emotions.

A midnight tryst contains a lovely ballad,
Tempered later by the blues;
Fighting words will illicit drama
sung by a broadway muse.

Fear of fate will still sing the gospel
following a quick bout of prayer-
While a sunset always arrives
following electronic days in subtle layers.

Anothers pain is echoed by a wailing sound,
A guitar crying their hurt that day;
While a flute, light and airy,
brings peace and fends loss away.

A snow covered field on a winters day
is reflected by all that jazz;
And a solo by a lone violin
will remind us of beauty past.

A single aria from a lonely soul
becomes a duet between lovers,
while a dirge follows inevitably
when they depart each other.

So from my heart to yours,
Why can't we sing forever?
Let's let our souls fly free and
see what music we'll make together.
 Sep 2014 AriGio
lil silver
 Sep 2014 AriGio
lil silver
you don't know me
and you never will
unless you stop looking at me
and only seeing me the way
you visualize me
in your narrow mind

you can't force on me
the "me" you want me to be
if you do
i will disappoint you
for the real me
is like nothing you know

why can't i be enough
just as i am
why can't you understand
why can't you see me
how can you know
the real me
if you refuse to see anything
that wasn't your ideal

So until you finally choose
to see the person I really am
I will leave you in your own denial
and not return til you truly understand
 Aug 2014 AriGio
 Aug 2014 AriGio
Hold me
love me
please me
pleasure me
**** me
hate me
leave me
 Jan 2014 AriGio
Im not good enough.
Never have been, never will be.
Maybe she was right about me.
All those times I cried into my pillow at night.
I deserved it alright.
Why do I even fight.
Im not alright.
Never have been, never will be.
Maybe she was right.
I failed myself, and all of you.
I try I really do.
Would it be better for you if I wasn't here?
I wish for your sake that I could disappear.
You wouldn't have to see me.
You wouldn't have to speak to me.
You wouldn't have to tolerate me anymore.
Would you thank me?
Would you miss me?
No, you barley even noticed me...
 Jan 2014 AriGio
I hate my Birthday
expected smiles
and attention, all on me
no solitude
no quiet
there is gifts
and pretend enthusiasm
blow out the candles
and make a wish
eyes, all on me
I hate my Birthday
no wish to celebrate me
my existence is no gift
not for me
 Jan 2014 AriGio
it took me a while to realize that the room was empty
  that my only audience was the voice inside my head
and in that horrible moment of clarity
I went into the corner and bashed my head, against the padded wall
hoping to drown out the non existent applause
  it didn't help at all
  fighting a useless, pointless battle
  so I surrendered to the beauty that is complete insanity
and joined the elegant dance that is madness
 Jan 2014 AriGio
 Jan 2014 AriGio
Explain to me
these urges
They scare me
like tripping down the stairs
Just to feel my head cave in
contemplating scratching a hole through my skin
to expose the monster within
or taking the kitchen knife to my gut
Because, frankly I don't give a ****
Mommy explain to me
Why nobody will love me
cant you at least still hold me?
the world has gotten so lonely
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