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Oct 2016 · 1.8k
Welcome to America
Ariella Cynder Oct 2016
Welcome to America, in 2016.
Where "all lives matter"
Except Syrian refugees
Where you can't even breathe
Without offending somebody.
Where parents are taken from their children,
Because of the color of their skin.
Where we normalize police brutality.
Where you can be a racist,
And still run for president.
Where injustice is served, with a side of GMOs.
Where the citizens of Flint have been without clean water for how long?
Who knows.
Our minds are diluted by capitalism and celebrities.
Where people will look at you crazy for saying,
"Save the bees"
Meanwhile they're out there, planning WWIII.
When you're told "your vote counts!"
But we're stuck with Trump & Hillary.
Where women on the red carpet are glamorous and sexualized,
But if you're ***** they'll ask,
"Well what were you wearing that night?"
A guy selling marijuana will serve his whole life.
Whereas Brock Turner was released in what felt like overnight.
Where white privilege has never been more real.
And our generation is learning that
"You're weak if you feel."
People being told we have nothing to fear,
Meanwhile the media is controlling what we hear.
People fighting for clean water, as if that wasn't our God-given right.
Our women are afraid to walk home alone at night.
You can work 40 hours a week, and still not make enough to live.
But if you ask for government assistance, you're a "lazy *******."
When in reality, it's just enough to feed your kids.
The Elite have created this illusion of seperation.
They have torn us apart as a world, and as a nation.
The color of our skin doesn't make us any different.
I promise you can love someone who practices a clashing religion.
Underneath it all, we're all the same.
All this person on person violence just makes us pawns in their game.
We should be coming together as humans, who have lost their humanity.
Maybe this all makes my "liberal."
But in all honesty, the current state of the world has me questioning my sanity.
Love thy neighbor, respect their spirit.
Or we won't be around much longer to experience it.

Welcome to America in 2017.
We forgot how to love one another so we were wiped out, mercilessly.
If only we had come together before we tore ourselves apart.
If we remember who we are,
We can be our own light in the dark.
The movement starts with one.
Oct 2016 · 853
Ariella Cynder Oct 2016
As I try to make a home for you,
Inside my barren heart,
I find that I knew that this
Would fail from the start.
But what's life without taking chances?
I have lost so many things
My love, my trust, and my sanity
Brick by brick
I can feel myself building
Yet another wall.
But I'm not sure if it's meant to
Let you in
Or watch you fall.
You can't deny the nature of me.
We are animals after all.
And if instincts never fail,
If it's my purpose to run free,
Then my purpose will prevail.
I let you in.
I undressed my soul,
I trusted again.
I held on to these last two years like it was all I had ever known.
I took off my skin.
I held onto your hand and we conquered my demons.
I let you in.
You learned my mentality.
You saw my need to separate myself from reality.
You got under my ribs and you haunted me.
You learned my weaknesses, and then you used me.
I let you in.
Knowing that in the end,
That Destiny would call
And I'd be gone again.

— The End —