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This is my first palindromic poem. It's about my trip from Southwest Florida to Columbia, South Carolina to be in the line of totality for the solar eclipse of 2017.
Driving home tonight I found myself ailed
With a classic case of the "you have failed
To foster another relationship in a successful way"
And the symptoms are found in this life of dismay

My treatment, I've determined, should be solitude
And perhaps mixing that with some "I'll desert you"
But really, I came home tonight with a great deal of braces
'Round my legs and my arms from these "Classic cases"

Like, for example, I'm certain I've contracted a classic case of the "*******"s
It's a deadly disease, detrimentally acknowledging my refuse was full of abuse
And, I think I feel it now, yes, it's another classic case:
Of the variety of "can't you feel your heart race?"

Like you know the words that come out of her mouth
Yes, you have to feed them to her
And you know that when they come, things'll go south
Yes, this one will be a bruiser

But nothing like you haven't felt before, I'm sure
You're a hardened stone of a heart, boiled apart
And no one is going to put you back together
Except for yourself.

Yes; I've contracted the "**** this ****"s
But I think I've brought it on myself
I've contracted these classic cases because
I am a classic case of the "I can't be alone"s
I made a child happy once - you failed to see it.
I pulled myself together quick after i was bullied - you failed to see it.
I was the top scorer once - you failed to see it.
I studied all night - you failed to see it
I stood up again and again when I was pulled down - but you failed to see it

I fell down once - you saw it
I took a break to escape my anxiety - you saw it
I broke down over my failures - you saw it
I stood alone not being able to converse  - you saw it

You only believed what you saw.
Hence, I wasn't surprised when you saw me as a failure
Parents just seem to see the worst things that you do sometimes
In other universes perhaps we end up together
And we end up weathering storms in tandem

For now I'm tasked with the duty of being your friend
As you turn yourself into a means to an end

And sometimes you get there because of me
And this is an expression of things unseen
Things too terrible to be seen
Things I'd hold tightly, and closely
Because I can't hold you closely

You are a dream that floats out just in front of the horizon but which falls off the edge of the world if I draw too near

You are the heartbeat skipping in a parked car, and the wings clipping of best friendships formed here

Though you are closer to me than any others
You are the most distant of all my lovers

Though you are the nearest in knowing my soul,
You are the furthest possibility as a whole

When I drop you off so you can cut yourself in half and be used,
Don't fall into the trap that states I don't care about you

I am a slave to my desire to help you be who you want to be
Even if that means destruction especially to you and at times me

Don't fall victim to the hoax of victimizing yourself
Recognize your worth by choosing the contrary, your health

Don't think for a second that I don't love you
Because of all the truths spoken in this poem
This is the truest: that I adore you
That you know me and don't judge me
And I crown you for the way you treat me

Because you, like no other, know me
You, unlike my other lovers, know me
But you, unlike all the others, can't be
A part of me while you're not apart from me

Don't believe in the lie that all you're good for
Is these few moments of euphoria

You're more than an object
Yet you're still the object of my desire
reconciling love in times when it's not opportune
A hot and humid night in an abandoned rink
And three words were all I could ever think

"I like you"

A talk and a walk back to a blacked out car
And our lips loomed loosely, not that far

I kissed you
Not a coward
But a cup overflowing
With the damning dark

Not a coward
But a human capable
Of emotion's full spectrum

Not a coward
But a father unable
To see through the deafening dark

Not a coward
But a man plagued
By plundering depression

Not a coward
But someone like me
Wading through a cell

Not a coward
But a person trying to breathe
Yet inhaling only that which drowns

His muses became his captors
His brain became his prison
His family became his mourners

But he was not a coward
He just wasn't a survivor
Soldiers slain under the hand of their enemies have not died because they cowered from their duties. They were overwhelmed, perhaps disadvantaged. We misunderstand depression as a society. We think it's a choice, something we can turn off and on. Like our phones, or the lights in our houses. But humans are not switches. Chester was not a coward.
He was a human.
Little masons building, little masons killing
Little masons yielding, little masons wielding
Their swords, tools, and daggers to construct
A wall between trees, as one deconstructs

Little masons like little demons, propelling
Little masons like little ******, love-quelling
An oceanic romance between weathered trees
Leaving broken branches, making debris

Little masons performing their duties
Little masons collecting their rubies
For the hard-work they did today
Leaving two tongue-tied trees slain

Little masons dividing throbbing hearts
Little masons throwing away broken parts
Little masons complete with rapture
Little masons impede love's capture

Little masons like homogenous poles
Little masons making holes in two wholes
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