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Megan Grace
At sea.
29/M/Richmond, VA   
Jack Thompson
Australia    I'm full of sensitivity and insensitivity. I'm flawlessly broken.
Micah Alex
22/M/Pune    Every bit of these years is showing. There's creases on my heart.
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
San Antonio    I still learn something new every day about words, about the art of making art with words. I am heavily influenced by the writings of ...
Calgary    26 letters thrown onto pages.
Ryan Galloway
I am an awkward mixture of obsolete cultural references and nostalgia. Thats probably the best way to put it. I really like to recycle, so ...
Liam C Calhoun
Guangzhou, China    "All I had to offer was my own confusion." -Jack Kerouac "Ditto." - Me Warrior, poet, wanderer. These words are a tale wrought decades. Tumblr ...
Mississippi    Stories and Lyrics from some of my songs Just being myself and exploring new things
in rose gardens    // You can only see as far as you think. //
Kyle J Horstmann
Tucson, AZ    Read and act
Jon Tobias
San Diego    Jon Tobias is a sucker for love poems and romanticizes everything. He doesn't mean to, but it's what he does.
Become less. Soli Deo Gloria.
JK Cabresos
M/PH    Hands are stained with poetry. / Romanticist
Lexi Cairns
Tiny little town in Iowa    "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Ernest Hemingway
Lucas K
Ian Cairns
Ohio    Current student. Advocate for all things positive. Full supporter of facial hair. Wannabe superhero. Writer in the making. © All work is the original property ...
Steven d'Orsay Childs
Detroit    I just write.
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