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 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
she's got
no emotion
but there's so
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
I have the urge to feel fire
in my throat and stomach.
A bottle of tequila, a shot glass
and the music of a haunted man.
To lay back and feel the burn
is the cure to the hole in my
shattered heart.
I want to drown everything
I want to forget you and erase you
from my thoughts, but I don't either.
I want to remember every
smile, laugh, kiss and touch.
I don't know what to drown
myself in...
the drink or the illusion my
memory gives.
I really, really wanted to drink.
Copyright @ Sadie Whitney
Get lost!
Plunge into the cool waters of the unknown,
Breathe in its main element, adventure!
Fight fear!
Battle beasts!
Challenge chances!
Cultivate curiosity!

Get lost!
When you are navigating through
A remote road,
Alien alley,
Or secret sidewalk,
Soak your soul,
Let it dry
Do not wring the thrill out.

Get lost!
Is a strange somewhere and an exotic elsewhere.
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
you see, i see you as
a father figure.
not in a creepy way, but
in an adoring way.
you are so kind to me,
you give me reasons to
believe in myself.
you help me see the

i envy your daughter.
she gets to be with you
constantly and she gets
your undying attention
and your unconditional

what's not to envy?
i envy the way you
care for her and the
way you love her and
how you are a
good father.

i wish i had one that was
good, just like you.
i guess that's why i'm so
close to you, why i even
told you my story.
you deserved to know
because you'd believe me
when he didn't.

 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
i often wonder what its like to be dead
and which direction my spirit would go.
would i journey to hell, and would there be flames?
or would it be dark, or icy as snow?
or perhaps i'd go to heaven post-death
to breathe eternal happiness in with each breath.
and maybe i'll go to that "purgatory" place
and end up being a pointless waste of space.
and there's the possibility i'll cease to exist,
which allows me to cross religion off the list.
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
I feel you
deep inside
in my bones
all over my body
i feel you.
This typing
this gibberish
no sense

stop running
you swan
master composer

Floating towards
a clock
A robotic ****

Eggs form cash
and runaway
the status quo

Rats play chess
often regally
Not those lot

Rotten apples jogging
with expression itself
madness on trial
Copyright Samuel Francis
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
Joan Karcher
He gazes at the moon as its rays illuminate the glistening leaves
the caliginous night hiding the creatures of the forest
life clandestinely creeping in the shadows
eternally alone but never lonely
As he treads along the paths and leaves, wildlife trails behind him
birds circle him, and insects creep along his limbs
foliage parts for him, and vines reach for his love
The lucid forest speaks to him
guides him, treasures him
he who nurtures its essence
like a small sapling sprouting out of the soil
gently singing the sacred aria of the weald
calmly providing energy for these younglings
stretching ever higher, searching for the sun
they rise, rise up faster with his spirit,
ever growing into the sky the high branches spread
the cloudburst continues, quenching the lifeforce of thirst
new life emerges, unforeseen possibilities
the druid of the forest
the shaman of the earth
*the balm of life
 Oct 2013 Anna Vigue
Sarah Meow
The world in failure  is  success.
Attend the international footstep's fire.
Words are abused for idol envy.
Every action sums the  Earth's  final.

So --
Swallow    scream      strike!

Realism is never ashamed of precipitation.
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