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Jan 2016 · 498
Anna Elizabeth Jan 2016
December 31, 2015

Maybe she was right.
That rent-a-gypsy years ago.
The one in the middle of the open lawn,
who told us our futures would be the same.
The one we blew off as a fraud because we were so different.


Maybe she really did see into the future.
Saw that we would get older together,
grow closer together.
Share hobbies together,
smoke cigarettes together,
pick up each other's quirky sayings,
and grow tired of each other.

Maybe she predicted we would grow apart.
She must have seen our frustration in her crystal ball.
The lines on our hands revealed anger and jealousy.

Maybe she saw our futures would be the same...
each without the other.

Maybe we were wrong.
Oct 2014 · 437
Anna Elizabeth Oct 2014
Please don’t say you love me
Please don’t say you care
Please don’t say you want to grow old with me
Please don’t say you see me in your sweetest dreams
Please don’t say I save you during your darkest hour
Please don’t say how much I mean to you
Please don’t say it’s just us two
Please don’t say you will do whatever it takes
Please don’t say I am your forever

I might just believe you
Sep 2014 · 381
Anna Elizabeth Sep 2014
Go get your dreams
They aren't going anywhere besides wherever you're going
Because I told myself tomorrow
And now tomorrow is yesterday
Apr 2014 · 699
We Are Alone Now
Anna Elizabeth Apr 2014
We are alone now.

Well, I am.

In this moment, I feel your space cold and empty next to me. That emptiness is more prominent tonight.

Your absence burns hotter than I would ever admit.

That empty space begs to be filled, but I will always leave it waiting for you.

People may leave your life, but they burn in your soul.

Your spirit still yearns for their touch. Your days still beg for their thoughts.
The hardest part is not knowing…anything.

A glimpse into your world is all I need to be satisfied. All I want to know is if you’re thinking of me.

Do I dance in your dreams as you dance in mine?

Do I manifest in your nightmares as you do in mine?

Does seeing a familiar stranger leave that empty feeling in your stomach?

Do your ears ring at the sound of a memorable song?

Do you look back at all?

I tell myself no.

I tell myself no, because amazingly, it makes me feel better than if I tell myself yes.

You continue on your way, and I continue on mine, but nothing keeps me, or us, from looking back…

from remembering.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Old Love
Anna Elizabeth Dec 2013
December 18, 2013

Words stab like knives. Each syllable uttered slices deeper into the nothingness that is this emotion.
Actions break bones. Pressure mounts and mounts until the sharp, quick snap ends in a flash of pain.
Caring suddenly becomes your worst trait. It muddies the waters of a once clear pool. Give. Try. Fail.
Repeat. Something so important becomes something you put so much effort into that you beat it half to death. The mystery is gone. The excitement is gone. The surprise is gone. The anger never leaves. The fighting never ceases. The hostility, rage, disappointment, misunderstanding, and fury never die.

It is still salvageable, so long as everyone agrees. As long as one person is not at their breaking point, you can always go back. Go back to the mystery, the excitement, the surprise. Effort is crucial. Patience is key. Understanding is vital.

Love lives.
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Change A Comin'
Anna Elizabeth Sep 2013
August 8, 2013

i feel the change a comin'
it rolls through like a train
blowing it's black smoke across the horizon
shadowing the future in cloudy mystery
shaking the ground with it's roaring wheels
making standing unsteady, uncertain
polluting the perfect silence with blazing horns

it's cargo is precious, as a new life
options, adventures, potentials, and achievements
are buried in the smoke
awaiting the mist to release

the change lives beneath the fork in the road
and the fork lives deep in the soul

green, happy, new, and renewed
full potential reached, self-awakening possible
black, stale, old, stuck
loyalty on the line
tradition dangling in the balance

the fork widens with each passing lurch forward
each rotation of those rusted metal wheels creates a more infinite gap between
then and now
each billow of smoke signifies the need for action
the need for decision
Feb 2013 · 480
I Fear Death
Anna Elizabeth Feb 2013
June 20, 2010

Death is the great equalizer.
It is also one of the world's greatest mysteries.
How is it that one day all is normal, and the next, you find yourself being lowered six feet deep into soil?
It is frightening how little it takes to end a life. Disease. Disaster. Destruction. All can happen in a split second, at any moment's notice, completely without warning. So how do we choose to live our lives? In fear or in stride? Do we take precautions when crossing a street, or talking to strangers? Or do we live each day as it could potentially be our last and never look back?

I fear death.
I fear pain. I fear suffering. I fear leaving people behind. I fear being left behind. I fear the threat of not knowing what comes after my final breath. I fear seeing the world change while I stay frozen in time. I fear being forgotten. Most of all, I fear never reaching my full potential. I fear never achieving what I thought was impossible.

Why do people have to age?
How come we are constantly told to make life-long connections with people, if one day they will no longer be at your side? It is almost better to live a secluded life, so the pain of loss is never felt.
Feb 2013 · 1.8k
Anna Elizabeth Feb 2013
May 28, 2009

I hate this place
more than anyone's words
could possibly describe. The smell
overtakes my nose and works its way into
my brain, where it is burned into my memory forever.
Just  the  atmosphere  of one segregated  part of my life  has
the tendency to make my skin crawl. It feels as though debt, shame and
unanswered questions are burrowing through my body and taking
over my soul at the same time. It is an understatement to say I
don't fit in here. I feel like the black duck trying to fit in with a
family of white geese. This place is the reason for my hatred
of anything traditional, the reason for my desperate
attempt at being unique. Who would guess I come
from a place so barren, so *****, so
empty? A place of constant
attack and scrutiny
and  yet,   this
is  home. This
place  is where
chapters of my
history   have
been  written.
So  many  of
my tales have
been  etched   into
these     walls.    This   is
where my   unlikely         fairy tale begins.
This place             keeps          me safe            and
always  saves                      room for               me at the
table.                    These are my roots.                  My support
system                         that always                    keeps me                anchored.
Anna Elizabeth Feb 2013
I'm a little different, but who's not?
Tend to bend the rules and not get caught.
Live my life the way I want.
Enjoy my possessions, but do not flaunt.
I roam wide open spaces,
Searching for different paths to take me to new places.
Remembering tomorrow while also steering ahead,
Always thinking of the words my guardians have said.
Never regretting a moment, a vision, or a decision,
Because these help shape the future I envision.
With sea salt in my hair I long to be free,
Those soft waves that I know have always called for me.
A place like that is where I truly belong.
A place like that is where you can do no wrong.
But for now I shall dance while I expel my thoughts,
And soon spread my message if only time allots.
Experience your independence while you still can.
Do daring things, but still be a wise man.
Love someone just for the sake of the moment.
Recognize a mistake and know that you own it.
Take great friends with you wherever you go,
And leave mediocre ones behind so you continue to grow.
Keep in touch with your roots; they were once all that you had.
Tell someone they look nice, regardless of if they look bad.
But the highlight of my message that I hope people find,
Is not limited to the thoughts of only my mind.
It is to love unconditionally both my neighbors and yours,
And appreciate every last one of life's unexpected detours
Feb 2013 · 998
A Poem About Something
Anna Elizabeth Feb 2013
April 2, 2012

I can feel it coursing through my veins.

It starts at the bottom.
My toes feel the warm sensation and start to tickle. The urge to move becomes overwhelming and a tapping begins. The beat is steady and concise. It is inaudible to most not paying attention, but to me I feel as though I am beating on a steel drum being playing into a microphone.

Then it shifts to the legs.
My knees suddenly feel unable to lock in place. I must bend them and set them free. At first I do not know if I can trust their movements. Somehow both legs can flow independently and still work together as a unit to support my frame.

The stomach is next.
I can only imagine that this is how one feels after being reunited with a long lost lover. The butterflies start fluttering, sending my stomach into a natural yet uneasy feeling. A ball of energy is forming. I can feel it start to radiate down my arms, to my fingertips, then return to the midsection. It has nowhere to go but up.

There is a pounding in the chest.
Somehow my heart's beat seems to slow and quicken simultaneously. There is no feeling of joy, pain, sadness, or stress, just the calming feeling of fully observing this natural phenomenon. There is a tightening in the chest followed by a complete and utter relaxation as it takes over control. It is almost complete.

The head is the last stop.
It works together with the brain to send electrical currents relaying how to feel back to the rest of the body. The ear drums get the most pleasure. A sweet humming beings in the cochlea and vibrates down my ear canal and rests on top of my tongue until it is ready to be released. All the while my brain is going crazy soaking it all in at once. There is never too much to be absorbed.

What I feel is music. It surrounds me, embraces me, and ultimately engulfs me completely.
Feb 2013 · 685
A Work in Progress
Anna Elizabeth Feb 2013
February 25, 2013

You slip in and out as a mysterious pain
One day dull, achy
The next unbearable, sickening
But never completely gone for good
One sound can trigger everything
One sound, one smell, one place
Brings along with it a feeling of time suspended in space
It was all surreal

The softness you spoke left my head spinning
Nervous banter spewed uncontrollably
Overflowing our senses
Flooding our thoughts
Leaving behind a sea of confusion
A game was being played
A game with no winner

Crumbling, broken
Conscious to a new challenge
One I did not want
Need, enjoy, or fear
This human canvas felt at last freed
No longer crumbling over the anticipation of an answer
One to a question too bold to leave lips
Or even to ponder

Now senses are full
A void is complete, returned in the night
But the mind is still tormented
Still battles itself
So counterintuitive this canvas has felt
It just needs relief
Relief from that voice
Relief from that past

— The End —