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 Mar 2022 k
Frances Raeburn
What is that
he said
as his fingertips
above my heart
scar tissue
I said
I am lucky I am
not dead
 Mar 2022 k
History Buff
 Mar 2022 k
you're not like anyone else
neither am i
so stop comparing me to the people of your past
and i won't compare you to mine
 Mar 2022 k
tina kimi
secret crush
 Mar 2022 k
tina kimi
i hate you
for not knowing
how i feel

i hate you
for seeing
you everyday

i hate you
for feeling'
this way

i hate you
for believing
that you feel
the same
 Mar 2022 k
 Mar 2022 k
Texas hates the trans kids
"So do I"
Says the man you claim
to be my better.

 Mar 2022 k
Jon Shierling
Enough then
I don’t need your permission
    Or a final whisper from lips that raised all my dead

The cathedral in my heart that I lifted up for you
   And filled with all my lonely ghosts
     It burns tonight

And tomorrow
  The Beginning
    The Work
      The Empire
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