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striature il bicchiere
come una lacrima contro la mia faccia
le nubi piangono con me


streaking down the glass
like a tear against my face
the clouds cry with me
Hie alta stare non possunt,
lacessendo et ventus aeri,
ad nihilum deduces me
ferte me


I can stand here tall
challenging the wind and sky
to sweep me up
and carry me away
please comment if you think I should continue with the different languages for my poems.
Have you ever noticed how dark the world really is?
And I'm sorry if this isn't what you needed to hear.
So, if my sadness offends you, or hurts you, stop here

I feel alone constantly.
My insomnia consumes the one moment of the day when I am at peace,
I cannot ******* sleep
I have lost weight
My excuse:
I just..
don't eat the way I used too.
I'm white
somehow my school thinks that makes me ******* ******.
As if I read Mein Kampf as a Bedtime story
In fact I hate ****** with every bone in my body...just like everyone else.
I have to go to a church function today
more like being dragged
everyone says, "you have to believe in something"
But after 8 years with an abusive father,
An apparently "Blind" mother (for not seeing it, of course)
I have nothing to believe in, except for the evil in man.
I believe,
and you can quote me on this,
All I know is that I'm on the planet,
I don't give a **** how I got here, how this place was created,
All I know, I'm here,
I'm living
I'll have a little fun
and eventually die.
(which for some people, that day can't come soon enough)
Which reminds me,
hey, even though you don't know me
would you mourn me?
Would Hello Poetry be the same, with one soul lost?
Would you?
would you?
I don't expect you too.
I'm still here,
still living
still pushing
still breathing (but just barely)
Thanks for listening to me
taking the time to read me
because this poem is me.
I'm sorry I'm depressing
should I be though?
Ain't I like every other human being,
Allowed to feel?
I make music, you know.
It helps me not feel lost.
Not feel broken.
and what's funny,
people hate that about me, too
If you feel so compelled,
(and no, this poem is not just for you to hear my music)
here's the link
I scream in my music,
some love it
I love it
its how I feel
how I bleed
How I survive
Some hate it,
devil worshiper
that's me
that guy who worships Satan
Which of course, isn't true.
as always,
*life is full of assumptions.
 Apr 2017 allie
Eyes Even Drier
 Apr 2017 allie
Drier than before
but no one listens

no one


i tried

and i'm done

n o   o n e   l i s t e n s
Watching you walk toward me
like a cat hunting its prey
But I remain stuck in the air
This place of agony and pain
I force myself not to go
Not go come running,
crumbling into your arms

And I look deep into your marble blue eyes
Refusing to break my strong gaze
I gasp
I turn around
Not to look at you
standing there with your slitted blue eyes
ever again.
again, random thoughts put into words.
You hover above me
kindly watching me paint
but before my brush can touch the canvas
a single tear falls
from where you stand
painting my white canvas for me
you may as well
could have splattered the canvas with red
A tear can say it all
All I remember is the crashing sound
of the old brown door slamming behind me
I'll do anything to get out of here
Get me away, away, away

I raced through the trees
The greenery wizzing by me
My knees began to weaken but I ran on
My chest heaving, I look up to the clouds
Help me*
I choked down a sob

I, I'm not strong enough
I, I can't do it
Just let me go

But, I, I, I-
I c a n 't
The hoarse whisper of my voice
dies with the sweeping of the wind
My legs fail
I fall

Crushing the autumn leaves
beneath my body
I sigh

I am finally away
I'm gone
I have achieved what I came here to do
And my eyes close
for the last time
Only on the phone for a minute
But your hand shakes
as if it had
a thunderstorm
brewing inside it

The phone falls from your hand
crashing down onto the
dusty pavement

Your cheeks are red
your eyes brim with tears
You blink hard and bite your lip
I'm fine
And you run off to your room
footsteps like a mouse

I didn't know
that I wouldn't see you again
for the next week
I don't know
 Apr 2017 allie
Dry From Tears
 Apr 2017 allie
my eyes
dry from tears
people ask about my dry skin
i can't answer truthfully
i want to
but i can't

i must hide this side of me
with a fake smile
and a pretend personality


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