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You should be enlightened with all the rays of the sun
The clouds shall encircle your neck as a wreath
If you were to sit upon a throne of all glory
would you crown me your queen?
 Apr 2017 allie
 Apr 2017 allie
how to write:
1. paper
2. pencil
3. write

**but how
i should be doing my work but i'm not oops
 Apr 2017 allie
Gaby Comprés
i wanted to write a poem
about your curls
and how they made my heart
beat like a drum played by a five-year old
who had chocolate cake for lunch
how my fingers were fighting each other
and fighting the urge
to tangle with yours and
make their way to that
chocolate colored head of yours
and get tangled in it too
and i wanted to write a poem
of how much i wanted to be like Cinderella
and leave something behind
with the hopes that you’d call me back
something like a notebook or my
polka-dotted waterbottle
but i guess the only thing i left
was a tiny little part of my heart
on the backseat of your car
Your tears
slither down my windowpane
or land neatly with a plunk
on my rooftop
But you never shine
The bright sun shines
It gives our world light and warmth
but you stand there all the while
blowing in the gentle breeze
waiting for your day to come
waiting for your chance,
your chance to *shine
be the cloud that shines
Standing here
on this big hill
glistening with morning dew
I feel tall
I feel powerful
no one can keep me down
and yet
I am just a fraction
a smaller part
of this world
and with the many other worlds
that lie beyond ours
I am small
no one can see me here
no one can here me
I am but a mere figure of the universe
That will never change
And I am okay with that

because I know that I can be more
I can be more that this crumb
barely living on the edge of our planet
I can be more than a fraction
more than a fraction of a fraction
No matter what
I am still a figure of the universe
I know
That no one is perfect
but why do we have to play by the rules
because you are perfect
For me..
I'm not looking for some superhero
I don't need Ghandi
I really wouldn't like an Einestein
from Harvard or Yale
All I'm looking for is someone
who will recognize my flaws
and embrace them
who will see my fears
and protect me from them
who will notice my passions
and help me to achieve my goals
Someone who will see me crushed
just to pick me up and make me fly
and who will decide to soar with me
Honestly, all that I'm looking for
Is *you
You said to get my head out of the clouds
You said I was standing on thin ice
So I fell
crashing through the ice
but now my head is underwater
No matter how far you run
no matter how well you hide
I will always find you
I will search for days
months, years
to find you
and to bring you back
into my loving arms
of life and death

It only depends if you have the will to live or to die.
Because I will love you either way
Ma vie disparaît lentement
Comme la lune argentée s'effaçant dans
Un soleil brillant d'orange et de jaune

Une fois que la lune se couche
Un nouveau jour s'amplore avec le soleil levant


My life slowly fades away
like the silver moon fading into
a bright sun of orange and yellow

Once the moon sets
A new day dawns with the rising sun
I came up with this one :)
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