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I love the way
his lips curl
and his eyes crinkle
whenever he smiles

I love how
he makes silly faces
and laughs so loud
whenever he's with me

He would randomly call
at random times
just to hear my voice
and for me to hear his

It was those
midnight talks
with him that
made me fall harder-

I was madly in love.
He would sing
me songs to sleep
and kiss me goodnight

He would hold
my hand
and hug me tight.
How I loved those moments.

Those moments
that I wished
could last forever
but they didn't.

I thought I finally
found the one
I'd spend the rest
of my life with

But I was
blind enough to believe
that I could have
a fairytale of my own.

But it's okay
I'm fine , no worries.
It's just another nightmare
and I'll soon wake up.

It's always the same-
The same old story

© Cyrille Octaviano
07/14/16 | 11:20 pm
The silence filled my lungs
And all I could think of
is the air I breathe.
Silence Screams.
Sometimes Quiet Is Violent.

© Cyrille Octaviano, 2016
 Jul 2016 Ami Shae
SE Reimer
 Jul 2016 Ami Shae
SE Reimer

each intersection, a crossroad made,
every answer, a question began;
each wrong, a right opposing,
every song, a note composing,
after darkness, the light again!

angry words won’t heal the pain,
apologies like ointment’s rain;
flood-washed roads a crossing need,
no line in sand, a bridge instead,
points me north, your heart to claim!

i am no island, though often seems,
my pained retreat, a blood trail leaves;
i find my greatest strength of all,
within your heart’s loving embrace,
held firmly in your grip of grace!

there is no strength in platitudes,
cliches are weak, like worn out shoes;
the darkened bank cannot hold sway,
o’er lighted bridge that leads the way,
points me north, and back to you!


*post script.

learning something of
defense mechanisms,
mine in particular;  
sadly, when brokenness
is too acute to hide,
the retreat is not bloodless.
bridges built of simple
three-word sentences
greatly needed ...  not a
crafted flood of well-worded,
defensive responses.

“i am sorry!” and “i love you!”...
two, eight-letter, three-cord ropes,
requiring no word-smithing,
yet are sound-ly engineered
for mending souls and
building hearts-bridges
not easily broken...
each capable of bearing
(baring) great weights.

and yes, there are notes composing here,
for it is said, “a song solidifies
the heart’s passionate decisions!”
 Jul 2016 Ami Shae
Valsa George
Recall all the sweet moments in life
Those that you want to re-live again
Sure there are a million of them
Joyous and sweet, exciting and engaging

Let us freeze those moments in time
Too precious to go off our heart
They make life worth living
And give each fresh day a kick start

In our mad rush for power and pelf
Many such moments skip by unnoticed
Moments of great beauty and grace
And wonders that still lie undisclosed

Have you forgotten to laugh over a prank?
Have you stopped watching a lovely scene?
Have you evaded a gregarious company?
Have you failed to enjoy a savory cuisine?

Break free of the ropes that bind
Let loose the spirit within
Shed out your dry reticence n’ reserve
Let your geniality, many hearts win

Crack a joke, laugh out loud
Wear a smile, walk an extra mile
Chill out, lose in the beauty of the dusk
Praise someone without any guile

No matter you are seventy or seventeen
Still spry enough to have frolic and fun
Youthful enough to cherish hopes and dreams
For life affably beckons and is not done!
Try out this recipe and sure you'll find the difference!
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