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Is the book too detailed beyond
the cover's revelations? Are there
some topics hidden too deep,
aspects that need vivid
reading to understand...
Or are you the open book,
every detail etched
on the cover.
Must I flip through all pages
or does the title
"You get what you see"?
say it all? Are you what
my eyes think you are
or there's pretty
much more to the
untold story than
can be revealed
by a single
You loved it
You always do
But you had to hide first
That's how rainbows are made
Sometimes it's more than you can take
More than your life can make
Of being in love
Of being in love with  me

I loved it
I always do
But I had to hide first
That's how rainbows are made
Sometimes it's more than I can take
More than my life can make
Of  being in love
Of being in love with you
The note is held,
the emotion resonates deeper,
waves of understanding as the song extends much further.

A hand is raised,
a thousand and one rise with it,
reach to the heavens,
lift this song up higher.

The chord fades and the song has ended,
but the beat of their hearts echoes it for much longer,
the music has reached their souls,
and the song wont be forgotten,
until the last listener.
the roar of the waves dancing upon the shore
compares not to the pounding in his heart
as he takes her hand and they begin to dance.
the silvery waves make their music
as they glide upon the white sand.  
he loses himself in her watercolor eyes
staring straight back at him
with a love brighter than the magenta sky
and deeper than the sea itself
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