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Apr 2016 · 674
Destiny's Flower
Gidgette Apr 2016
We each have a destiny
You can find it, between wake and sleep
And in the hearts of lovers,
Where our lost secrets, we keep
We are reborn,
After each death
Though our past lives are forgotten
With our new life's first breath
There are destined lovers, to be loved
And past debts, we must repay
Every deed births our future,
Mundane things we do each day
With every ticking of the clock,
Every second turns to an hour
Thus, is our fate,
Unfolding petals, from destinys flower
Mar 2016 · 599
Profound Ignorance
Gidgette Mar 2016
The profound ignorance in a society gone mad
Obsessed with the sight of blood, naked skin, sad
Any murdering ***** is upheld and bejeweled
The thought of a good ****, and everyone is fooled
Worship the sinner
Spit on the saint
Don't remove the rust
Just cover it with paint
Smile wide
While you take it up the ***
Do I want seconds?
No thanks
I'll pass
No one today
Dares to speak the truth
Its considered impolite
Quite rude and uncouth
But dont mind me
Or the words I say
For I'm just a minor
In this life's ****** play
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
Soul Porn
Gidgette Mar 2016
My greatest wish is to write soul ****,
To be a soul **** star
To take your soul and make it feel,
Like it never has by far
I want my soul ****,
To be so very *******
That everyday you're on your knees,
Begging to read more
I wish to give your soul a *****,
Or make it really wet
So that when you read my words,
You won't have any regrets
I wish to be a soul **** star,
And write the loveliest writes
So that when you go to sleep,
You dream of them every night
I want to touch your soul,
Flat out make it ***
So that all of my written soul ****,
Beats in your heart like a drum
Men, I hope you think of my soul ****,
As a large pair of breast
That are so amazingly hot,
That they won't let you rest
Ladies, for you I want my soul ****,
To be compared to that guy
The one who loves you dearly,
And never leaves you to cry
Yes, I want to write soul ****,
To be a soul **** *****
I wish to make your soul feel,
Like it never has before
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
The Ladys Revenge
Gidgette Mar 2016
The Lady had him chained
In that white, tile room
Where she'd spent many painful hours
Contemplating her doom
The police didn't even
Have a clue he was missing
The Lady hired a *******
Who drugged him while kissing
The poor dumb *****
As a witness was silenced
She lay dead in the alley way
Her death, it was violent
Now, in the white tile room
He'd been bleeding all the while
The Lady stood outside the door
Wearing a murderous smile
He awoke with a scream
Looked around, saw fingers missing
He remembered fading out
While he and the ***** had been kissing
Realising where he was
His bleeding body began to shake
He knew The Lady was taking revenge
For all his ****** mistakes
Many nights he'd chained her here
Just to hear her scream
But now he was in her place
Like a bad ******* dream
Outside the door he heard a noise
It was a murderous humming
He knew that sound well
It was a chainsaw running
The Lady stepped through the door
Rage on her face
He struggled to get away
But he would lose this race
The Lady revved the chainsaw up
He started to beg
The Lady wouldn't hear it
And off came his leg
Now that white tile room
Wasn't white anymore
Blood, fingers, and body parts
Littered the floor
The Lady slid down the wall
Sat down and took a breath
Now all around her
Was the sight and smell of death
The Lady didn't mind
No, she didn't care
Because in Love and war
All is fair
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
Where The Fairies Play
Gidgette Mar 2016
How I wish I could grow wings,
I'd fly away
Maybe catch a ride on a shooting star,
Go to where the fairies play
I wonder if there's such a place
Where ballerinas with wings,
Dance in eternal grace
Where woodnymphs play music in the trees
And the fairies glide,
Upon the sweet smelling breeze
You'd never have to cry there,
Lovers never part
So you never have to worry,
About mending a broken heart
The flowers are all made of silk,
That way they never die
No one ever leaves you,
So there's no reason for "goodbye"
There's no winter chill,
The silk flowers always in bloom
And how it makes the fairies laugh,
To see the snow flakes fly in June
Sand castles last Forever there,
In a kingdom by the sea
The butterflies sing in tune,
With the woodnymphs music in the trees
So if I'm ever missing,
That is where I'll be
Playing with the fairies,
In that kingdom,
By the sea
Mar 2016 · 1.7k
A Poets Heart
Gidgette Mar 2016
A poets heart,
Is a very deep well
It holds many secrets,
Some we never tell

We speak in rhymes,
Or metaphors
We write of hope for the future,
Or sadness gone before

We are guilty,
Of feeling things too deep
And pondering secrets,
Life its self has to keep

Poets see things clearly,
That others cannot
We wonder about questions,
Which time, has forgot

A poets heart,
Beats at a different pace
A poets pen,
Defies time and space

We poets,
Create our own written place
We poets,
Are together, our own race

As poets,
We stand apart
And live in the deep well,
Of our poetic hearts
Mar 2016 · 662
Your Quill
Gidgette Mar 2016
Take your quill,
Dip it in my ink
Look me in the eyes,
Dont look away or blink
Write me a love poem,
Whisper it in my ear
Make me so hot,
My skin starts to sear
Make love to me on paper,
With your written words
Make my lust soar higher,
Than even the birds
Then when you're finished,
Use propper punctuation
It makes my body throb,
Takes my lust, to the highest elevation
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Humanity Is Our Name
Gidgette Mar 2016
In and of our singular truths
Peering through lustful eyes
We become things of paranoia
All the things we despise

We tend to hate mystery
Things we fail to understand
Constantly worry about status quo
Capitalise on supply and demand

Laugh at our brothers loss
Hoard up our pennies and dimes
Never lend a helping hand
To those in hard times

Hate our neighbor of color
Wish upon them a horrid demise
Then when karma calls
We stand wide-eyed in surprise

Kindness is considered weakness
Love, a sinful shame
If one doesn't fit the mold
Then by all means, slander their name

We may all believe differently
But yet we are the same
We each breathe in and out
And humanity is our name
Mar 2016 · 485
Unrequited Loves Curse
Gidgette Mar 2016
This is the curse,
Upon you I bestowe
May your heart be broken,
Never again glow
May you reap every heartbreaking
Seed you've sewn
May you have returned,
All the love you've never shown
May you be used,
And then thrown away
May your heart never again,
See the light of day
May you cry oceans,
Of salty tears
May love never again find you,
The rest of your years
May even your children,
Leave you behind
May the angels in heaven,
To your cries be blind
May you be ugly outside,
As you are within
May all who behold you,
Know of your sin
And at the end of your days,
May you wither and die
And may not a single tear,
Fall from nary an eye
May your blackened soul,
Forever dwell
In the deepest pit,
Of eternal hell
Mar 2016 · 457
Gidgette Mar 2016
All the words between us that never be spoken
All the promises made that will only be broken
All the love that can never be made
All the foundations that can never be laid
The late night laughter that can never be had
The times we could share both good and bad
All that could be but never will
Makes my heart silent
And still and still. . . . .
Gidgette Mar 2016
He would bring me orchids,
To the cemetery late at night
We would make love amongst the tombstones
In the pale, moonlight
Whispering sweet promises,
We both knew could never be
I prayed to the godless heavens,
That he'd be mine for eternity
Now he forever lies,
In that cemetery by the sea
Only the scent of death and orchids,
Brings his memory back to me
Mar 2016 · 291
Through Out Forever
Gidgette Mar 2016
Long after time has stopped,
And man's lies have ceased to be
Still, my heart shall bare your name,
Through out forever and eternity
Mar 2016 · 490
Gidgette Mar 2016
Perhaps it is not for me
To be loved, or to love
Perhaps, it is for me
Only to gaze upon it
Like a child gazes at a star
In the night sky
Maybe, it is for me to see it
To be close enough to nearly
But never to attain
Like a dry, red leaf, in the autumn
Floating in the wind
I Chase,
Yet never catch hold
Is my mirage in the dry desert
I can see it,
But I will die of thirst
Long before I reach it
Gidgette Mar 2016
Well Hell, Happy Birthday to me
Another year in my life has come to pass
A splash of coffee in my whiskey for breakfast
Watching tv so that I can be reminded that anyone over the age of 25 is old
Especially females
Perhaps I'll buy burial insurance
Perfect gift to myself

I'm going to put on the tiara I wore the day I entered a failed marriage
And dance to 90s pop music in my living room
I'm alone,
I hate everything, especially happy people
I'm going to chain smoke Marlboro cigarettes
And yell vulgaries at people who drive by my house
Just as soon as I get back from buying wrinkle cream
And burial insurance

Well hell
Mar 2016 · 444
The Dying Of The Light
Gidgette Mar 2016
In the dying of the light,
A single dew drop falls
A lonely lover, brought to tears,
Into the darkness calls

A single star, over head,
Leaps from the velvet sky
Mournful laughter in the wind,
Slowly starts to die

Leaveless trees that line the lane,
Are shaken by the breeze
And the lonely lover who called to the night,
Loses her soul with ease
Mar 2016 · 576
Black Ink
Gidgette Mar 2016
You are the puppet master
My heart,
On your strings
And in the darkest echoes,
The silence of my heart, rings
There is no more beating,
You've drown it, in black ink
All I can do is watch
The waves that cover, as it sinks
Mar 2016 · 719
Transendence Of Souls
Gidgette Mar 2016
There is an entire world
Of which most are unaware
You can't touch, taste, smell, hear, or see it
But know it is there
There are invisible chains
That link us all together
It has been here since the beginning
And it will be here until forever
From womb to tomb
We are bound to others
Soul mates, found
In kinship, or lovers
We birth our future
With every kindness and every crime
Our lives are not our own
Though we deny this, all the time
Death is but a doorway
A new beginning, not an end
Through many different lifetimes
Our human souls transend
To give us the opportunity
To fix things broken, needing a mend
So if death Has taken from you
A lover, kin, or friend
Just remember a new door opened
Because death, is not the end
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Beautiful Lies
Gidgette Mar 2016
Say we'll dance with gypsies,
Even if its a lie
Tell me that we'll stand on a river bank,
And watch the otters play by

Say we'll lay in a golden hay field,
In the spring month of May
Whispering sweet sonnets,
Till our voices fade away

Tell me that someday we'll parachute,
Out of a soaring plane
Say you'll love me always,
Till the universe goes insane

Tell me someday we'll make love,
On a white sanded beach
Say you'll stay beside me,
Forever in my reach

Say we'll lay on a blanket,
Staring up at the stars and moon
Tell me these dreams will last forever,
That they won't end so soon

Please, tell me one last, beautiful lie,
I promise I'll believe
Tell me that you love me,
And my embrace, you'll never leave
Mar 2016 · 318
Society And The Man
Gidgette Mar 2016
Shut the hell up
Put a smile on your face
Behave yourself
And tie your shoelace
Never ever
Speak out of turn
Or they'll set you on fire
Then watch you burn
Make sure and do
Just like you're told
Don't act out
Always follow the fold
Don't you dare
To ever rebel
Or society will make
Your life a hell
Comb your hair
And tie it with a bow
Never forget
We reap what we sew
Go to work
And pay your taxes
Or society can't afford
The men with the axes
Never give
Your opinion a voice
You dont decide
Society makes your choice
Follow the lead
Stay in line
Or you'll be payin
One hell of a fine
And never forget
You're owned by "The Man"
Or he'll take your house,
Kids, and life, cause he can
Mar 2016 · 698
The Heartbreak That Is Love
Gidgette Mar 2016
In the darkness of the night,
Many secrets are kept
And under the woven rug of truth,
Many lies are swept

In the clock that keeps the time,
Many loves are lost
And with the blood of the innocent,
Is how love pays the cost

Into the sea of forgetfulness,
We toss the ties that bind
And in the heart of goodness,
It is evil that we find

In the bottom of Pandoras box,
Lies the last bit of hope found
And to the heartbreak that is love,
We are each and everyone bound
Mar 2016 · 2.5k
Gidgette Mar 2016
I understand now, the legend of the succubus
And from whence it came
Being broken hearted, alone, and jaded
Can make a night stalking lunatic, of any dame
My heart has been stolen,
I'll never be the same
So now I wander the night,
With the "succubus" name
I'll slip into your dreams,
Make any man my prey
A female demon of the night,
Its the truth, what they say
A nocturnal dream,
I'll dance in your head
And when the sun shines,
I'll hide under your bed
I cannot love you,
As I have no heart
My heart was broken,
So now I roam the dark
We succubi, hide in the shadows,
Watching our game
We are all heartless creatures,
We feel no shame
Yes, I understand now the legend of the succubus,
And from whence it came
As my heart is gone
Now "succubus" is my name
Mar 2016 · 891
Half Past Give A Shit
Gidgette Mar 2016
Here I sit alone and lonely
But I'd rather be by far
Most folks I'd like to push off a cliff
Inside a burning car
To ahead and judge me
But do it from over there
Because I'm half past give a ****
And frankly I dont care
You can think I'm crazy
I'm probly mostly insane
It comes from living the life I've lived
Filled with heartbreak, sorrow, and pain
My mother always told me
Don't play with fire you'll get burned
But I guess I was so stupid
It took years of scars to learn
Mar 2016 · 579
His Lady Of Nights
Gidgette Mar 2016
My love, my heart,
Lives in a world of shadows
Secret things
Very few know
A woman only of
All the things that matter to me
Kept out of sight
My love, my deeds,
Deemed unholy
Evil deeds
Only by the moonlight
He keeps me there,
In the darkest corners, of his stone heart
His Lady Of Nights
Never to part
Mar 2016 · 329
Eating Your Heart
Gidgette Mar 2016
I'd like to eat your heart
Rip it, right from your chest
I wouldn't bother with cooking it
Raw, would be the best
I'd like to taste your blood
Mingle it with mine
Feeling it run down my chin
Would almost be Devine
I wonder if you would taste salty
Heaven knows your heart would be tough
I'd only be returning the favor
And yes, it would be rough
I like to think of it this way
If I were to eat your heart,
I'd always have a piece of you with me
Inside me, never to part
Mar 2016 · 397
Bound To The Shadows
Gidgette Mar 2016
There is no goodness left
Evil reigns supreme
For years I've tried to wake
From this deep, black dream
I'm left to give up
My heart is no more
Any goodness and love, released
I shall grind good memories into the floor
Shadows and darkness,
My only friends
My soul is black
And will never mend
Pain and suffering
Are now my obsessions
The blood I spill,
My only confession
There dark secrets
I will never tell
Bound in the shadows
To forever dwell
Mar 2016 · 975
Dancing With Darkness
Gidgette Mar 2016
The shadows held me under the moon
And I danced with darkness last night
In my bare feet out in the cold
I finally stopped searching for the light
Darkness cradled me tenderly
At last, I conceded
I always thought it was the light
I had so desperately needed
We danced wildly under the stars
Darkness and I
For the first time in my life
I had no need to ask why
I knew I belonged
In the nights cool embrace
The dew and the fog
Softly kissed my face
The shadows and stars
Watched with great pride
As I finally gave in
And became the nights bride
Mar 2016 · 328
Puzzle Piece Souls
Gidgette Mar 2016
I've heard many a story,
About the creation of mankind
And the way life was in the beginning
But only one, stays in my mind

It has been said for thousands of years
That in the beginning, we were while
And one day, the great creator
Split us, and separrated our souls

This being the reason
We search until forever
To find our other half
So that we may be together

Every soul a puzzle
Only two pieces, they contain
Searching eternally for the other half
A souls distant memory remains

A longing deep within us all
For our souls eternal twin
The other piece of our puzzle
Our lover, best friend

Its been said that When
The two halves meet
The very universe stops moving
And the earth quakes, under feet

I was lucky enough to meet mine
One fine, summer day
His soul called out to me
And my heart was whisked away

But alas! He belongs to another
Inside, my soul cries
Though he denies this with his lips
I can see truth in his eyes

I may have to wait
On and on until forever
Perhaps in the next life
My puzzle piece soul, will be together
Mar 2016 · 266
Miserys Company
Gidgette Mar 2016
What if you're the villian,
Instead of the good guy?
Perhaps your pleasure,
Is watching hope die

I'm the villain,
No good,
I wouldn't change it
Even if I could

I'm not really sure,
Why others "go bad"
But it was a broken heart,
That drove me mad

Killing hope,
Is my new obsession
Because I could not make love,
My posession

Misery loves company,
That's what they say
Well, it's true,
What more can I say?
Mar 2016 · 379
The Man In The Moon
Gidgette Mar 2016
The cry of the whippoorwill,
In the far distance
Day gives in to night,
With so little resistance
Stars chatter, with their twinkles,
Up in the blackened skies
And I, wait patiently,
For my love to rise
He laughs with me, cries with me,
I dance in his soft glow
Ours is the truest love,
I'm sure I'll ever know
He leaves with the sunrise,
For me, far too soon
And I am left to wait out the day,
For my love, the man in the moon
Mar 2016 · 254
The Black
Gidgette Mar 2016
The black,
That darkens the night
The blur,
That dims the sight
The hope,
That's out of reach
The dolphin,
Dying on the beach
The demon,
Who dwells within
The saint,
Committing the sin
The blood,
In the ink well
And I am the devil,
Of my own hell
Mar 2016 · 547
Fire Cleansing
Gidgette Mar 2016
I burned our house down, darling,
I deeply breathed the smoke
I couldn't shake the nightmares,
From which I never woke

Can you see the flames, love,
So high they reach the sky?
I do so hope with this fire cleansing,
Those awful memories die

Can you see me dancing, darling,
Amongst the floating embers?
It seems the smell of ash,
Is something I'll always remember
Mar 2016 · 648
Tears Of Acid
Gidgette Mar 2016
Crying tears of acid,
Beneath the burning sky
Watching with rage, the glowing embers
That seem to smile, floating by
Wishing for the doom,
Of everything in sight
Ripping the heart of innocence out,
Hungrily taking a bite
Deep within the folds,
Of my souls hidden pages
I hear the mournful cry of love lost
As the battle for goodness wages
Mar 2016 · 299
We Burn
Gidgette Mar 2016
My love for you, my darling,
Had brought upon me a wrath
For my sin, I'll forever burn,
In the eternal flaming bath

If this is true, my love,
Then beside me you shall be
And together forever, we will burn,
In hell, for eternity
Mar 2016 · 301
In The Star Light
Gidgette Mar 2016
In The Star Light

I hear your voice,
In the stillness of night
As though you're right beside me
Yet, not in my sight
The stars whisper secrets,
The moon can never tell
Trapped in the velvet sky,
Eternity there to dwell
I lay, remembering dreams
Long since past
Spells of forever,
That only darkness casts
My longing for you,
Will never subside
My heart travels a path,
To which only dreams reside
Entranced by the moon
Bewitched, by the night
You exsist only in my dreams,
In the star light

— The End —