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X Dec 2020
sense of hubris is useless when the tables turn you’re the one making excuses
the fumes in the air don’t even include it , it’s like working overtime and when times run out your working over minds
your words
your actions
numbers never lie but in this case you’re actions intertwine with the need to survive and the need to be alive
step outside
back in mind
soul searching inside but I’m too lost to keep track of time
now I work to keep you outta mind
outta sight
now my minds blowing mines
would love some feedback , this was strictly just thoughts coming out of my mind.
X Nov 2020
Not a player,
but player tendencies are prevalent in my ways.
so is Denial and Guilt,
not to mention emotional regressions met with selfish intentions.
now I lost you,
or maybe you lost me.
Cause maybe I wasn't the problem,
you just weren't the solution.
X Nov 2020
Telling paper my thoughts she keeps my secrets.
I'd tell you but the issue would be trusting you to keep it.
Paper keeps me grounded in my feelings.
She knows the truth even when the words don't mean it.
She feels the intention in the strokes of my pen.
With every line she proves to be limitless.
An infinite realm of ideas where the mind can feel the power of pure potentiality.
But at the same time she challenges my sanity.
No form of parody in her love its stronger than gravity.
Through my own sense of hubris I'm using her for vanity.
X Sep 2020
The approach was too abrupt
Too Strong
The vibe felt right so you jumped at the opportunity that you believed would remove yourself from the comfort of your mental prison
You took a leap of faith
You tried to escape
Rejection is a song that's played many times before but now its become a theme of failed attempts where the ego shouts for the need to be alone and in solitude
Rejection fuels the ego
But not the soul
He takes a back seat and lets the ego control
With every failed attempt the more the walls close in
The more the prison grows in capacity
The more solitude fills itself in
X Jul 2020
flame to the woods in the back
Gorilla glue held us closer when weather would make our lips crack
No blistex
No fear
If being law abiding was cool we’d be the lamest people here
But as the time steers
So did my tears
My pain was ignored
Later you would walk out my door
Continued pursuit that’s what the archer would do
Now your running in circles
Searching for someone’s love that has nothing to do with you
X Jul 2020
To the girls that I’ve talked to
Thank you for selfish reasons that mean more than the exchanging of souls that took place in our most trying times
For opening up to me even when our time was built on lies
When you allowed me in your sacred walls where your feelings reside
I realized how much I want to be loved
X May 2020
Nostalgia, my good friend, you’re back
This time let’s talk about the things I could have been
Let the tunes unchain my chains and I will let you dissect my brain
Little misty but I will remain strong and hope for better things ahead
But with that being said
Work your magic
And send me off on this rollercoaster
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