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  Jul 2021 efni
some say drowning
feels oddly peaceful
after all the thrashing

the moment you know
your lungs
wont taste oxygen again
and you give your body over
to the water

i think you and i
are past the thrashing
i can’t keep finding
the surface
every time we almost drown

i need to give in
to the water this time
efni Jul 2021
i don't want to survive
i want to be free

even if that means
i don't get to have both

my strength isn't a virtue, achievement or compliment.
it's a prison.
efni Jul 2021
all that's left to do
in wait of the next time
my stitches pop and are undone
is patch me up pretty with
embroidered flowers

i unraveled...big shocker
i have before and i'll do it again
all i can do is wait. this is my life.
efni Jul 2021
my darkest desires take point
but my will to live is often spoilt
these savage opposites are joint
never a winner or loser to appoint
a path set from birth you did anoint
i'm always dying to disappoint

i'm not want you want
i'm not what i want either
efni Jul 2021
she was assassinated
by her own corpse
and roamed tortured
as a ghost haunted
by her own reflection

how many times
can i lose my mind
before it's okay to
stop ******* looking
i don't want it back
i want it gone
efni Jul 2021
i'm tired of the skin
on my face, parched,
because there is more
salt than moisturizer

i'm tired of sitting up in bed
to catch my heaving breath
then flipping over my pillow
before i can lay down again

i'm tired of choosing
between soaking the
backs of my hands and
dry-staining my cheeks

i'm tired of crying
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