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It made me

The kind of sick
That books describe
As green,
Ghostly skinned
With red rust noses.

Sick to my stomach
Like when you wake up
At 2:00 AM
And realize that
Before you sprint
Down the hall
To the bathroom
And ***** pizza bagels into the
Pristine marble sink.

It made me sick like
When it gets so bad that
Blowing your nose hurts
Because the extra soft Kleenex
Have scratched your skin raw

It made me sick
When I realized
That it wasn't you that I loved
But the feeling of being loved.
Some are bathing in money
Some can't bathe at all.
Some are given a head start
Some are forced to crawl.

Some have their own maids
Some live on the street.
Some have personal chefs
and some can't eat.

Some sleep in their beds
Some sleep in the snow.
Some are rising to the top
Some are stuck below.

Some work hard and make millions
Some work hard and make none.
Some have so many options
and some wish for just one.

Divide and conquer?
No, divide and fall.
Try giving, not taking
There's enough for us all.
To write food in the stomach
Of every hungry child.

To spell war as peace,
Metaphorize flowers into the barrel

Of every gun on Earth.
The poet has responsibilities

Beyond those of mothers,
Of kings and presidents.

I refuse to give up hope;  
This could be a poem world.

Come on, write your worst piece
Of literature.

Even misprints may give other
Meanings to a word,

Write me a green sky, blue dirt,
Trees the colour of air.

Sometimes the best poets
Have the least to say,

So keep writing, write until your
Fingers fall asleep.

Write until you havent slept
For weeks in search of that word,

That one right word,
Then rest on a notebook pillow

And dream the world right.
Write the world right.

There is no such thing as
Wasted poetry.

— The End —