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alienobserver Sep 2014
I have to obliterate
This antichrist
That's always tempting me
alienobserver Sep 2014
When between us used to exist
only a certain letter
the full correspondence
the train
the rails
the open window
a certain landscape
without rocks or
my high heels
in equilibrium
the cup of water
waiting for the coffee
this is from Ana C.
I don't own this
I just enjoy her poetry
alienobserver Aug 2014
Is it really that bad
To not actually
Feel anything?
Because those tiny verses
Still express a lot
That comes within
And I still remember
The chair you used to sit
And I still remember
How disengaged I used to be
I feel like that chair and I
Have a lot in common
We are both empty
After you left.
alienobserver Jul 2014
last night I had a dream,
not exactly a dream,
but more of a memory

I could feel the soft sand between my toes
And the salty wind colliding with my face

The way Cecilia talked to me
Was like waves against the rocks
Or like rain in a summer day
The sun setting upon us caused me chills
I will always be floating with her in the sea

Only the gods know
How well I used to write
How well I would describe
The way she looked at me:
The same way stars shine the brightest
Before they collapse
alienobserver Jul 2014
The sun burns my skin
I wish things were different
alienobserver Jul 2014
Sometimes I wanna die
But then I remember all the movies
Series, music, visual arts, people
I haven't met yet

The coke bottles on the weekends
The iced teas before classes
The energy drinks at 2 a.m.
I know I'm made of water
My organs, my tissues
My voice is a liquid
Which evaporates in my throat
That flows away through my eyes, my ears
I can dissolve so easily
But I can also turn rigid, hard
Disguised in a solid state, icy

The rapids fall
In the depths of the night
By myself, I turn into the purest fountain

(portuguese translation)

Às vezes dá vontade de morrer
Daí me lembro dos filmes
Das séries, músicas,
Artes visuais,
Que eu ainda preciso conhecer

A coca-cola dos fins de semana
Os chás gelados antes das aulas
Os energéticos às 2 da manhã
Eu sei que eu sou de água
Meus órgãos, meus tecidos
A minha voz é um líquido
Que evapora na garganta
Que sai nos olhos, nos ouvidos
Me desfaço tão fácil
Mas também me torno rígido, gélido
Me desfarço de sólido

Cachoeiras caem
Nas profundezas da noite
Sozinho, sou a fonte mais pura
I'm not sure if this is actually good
alienobserver Jul 2014
I threw up the skies
And inhaled the stars
All that with a half-full bottle
And an indescribable nausea

This time,
The moon was the embarrassed one:
Didn't glow neither looked at me
I guess that was why
She was just so shy

I apologized
Under a scalding sun
Of a broken saturday
I will always be the only drunk in that night.
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