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here it stands
everyone knows
sees it everyday
all over the world
it stands tall
it's stance is wide
the biggest
the best reminder
created for one
reason only
a singular monument
to a just cause
no one can forget this
they see it with sleeping eyes
open your eyes
the first thing you see
it has stood forever
the oldest persons
first memory
mentioned in every book
ever written
the presence of it
polluting your every
no one ever imagined
it would be forgotten
not for what it is
not for not being
because no one
remembers what
it was built for.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
K Mae
War Home
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
K Mae
Feel it now and know
Who is not the point, or why
War is now come home
On the Boston Marathon Bombings.
That which we make does not stay far away.
What is it for and in the questions you ask
is it hard easy or even a forbidden task
what is it  that we all are looking for
does it leave us lonely wanting or longing for more
how long have i been searching longing to see
something inside me wanting to be
why are we here what makes us be
are we in the ocean or lost somewhere at sea
what of the touch youve been want to feel
something so precious you could not steal
what are the questions you have been meaning to ask
what will it take to complete this task
how many times are you willing to try
or will you give up and let life pass you by
what of this notion that we call pride
when do you know or even how to decide
how many pieces is it that can you leave
before the last one is left and you long to believe
what about the music you want to write
but the words some how dont seem right
how did the world ever get so wrong
why is it we let it go so long
how many people do you call friend
how many are still with you in the end
what of the angel that heaven will send
where is she so my heart can mend
what are the secrets that we all keep
hiding them safe alone and deep
why the need to lie decieve and confuse
try walking in the other one's shoes
how many moments does it take to define
the one thats important and is there a sign
are they hopes or shall we call them dreams
sometimes a reality or so it seems
the first real kiss can you remember the day
did it leave you speechless with nothing to say
those special moments that keep us alive
we call it courage it gives us the drive
questions questions they are always there
will they be unanswered or do we care
to not have loved might be the greatest fear
or maybe its just long time i had a beer
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
two kids
careless and naive

and that December
I’ll always remember
some kind of attraction
take a chance
what’s the worst that could happen?
butterflies killing my insides
smudged eyeliner
fighting, arguing
but I miss you
you say you don’t remember
tangled sheets and gray sweatpants

whispers. lies.
“let’s pretend”
it’s easier than telling the truth


it never meant anything.
but I’m still here
always will be
and miles don’t mean anything
and my feeling don’t mean anything
to you
wrong timing, always wrong
but you could never waste my time
lets go back to how it used to be
now back to the same routine
same cycle.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
I don't know
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
I don't know what happened.
I don't know where that came from.
I don't know why I did that.
I don't know how I expected you to react.
I don't know why I hurt you.
I know that I'm sorry
And I don't know why that's all I can say.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
My life is a rollercoaster.
I'm on my way up,
Meaning this is going to be a hell of a fall.
But I like thrill rides.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Nights like this
Are the nights that will **** me.

Nights when translucent ghosts
Drape their long arms

Around my waist and take me
Waltzing across you bedroom ceiling;

Nights when sad songs pour
Out of the cracked walls

And fill my heart
With their bittersweet nostalgia;

Nights when my body freezes
In its despairing loneliness,

Cold stone wrapped in stiff sheets
And sopping pillows.

Nights like this,
I lie awake, aware of

The tangible emptiness,
The stale smell of grief.

Nights like this,
I **** myself the way I killed you,

I break the way you did:
Delicately, like the slivered backs

Of infant birds
Left the nest too soon;

Like thunder collapsing,
Shaking cupboards and windows

In time with our trembling shoulders.
You told me, you told me

"I can't just forget this like you can."
But I don't forget.

Like a soldier cut open
By the knife she obliged herself,

I bleed.
I hold my insides

Inside, cram you back
Deep into my chest,

Wrap memories around my spine
A spiral  staircase of sorrow and

Sweet intentions, where no one will see
The trail of blood

Save for me.

I do not escape this.

I cannot cast aside
Ashen remains, box up burning coals.

I can only carry them with me,
A red thread around my finger

Burning your name in my skin.
I carry my sorrow like a crow on my shoulder;

It pecks on my neck sharp reminders
And gorges on my acute isolation.

You say I forget,
But nights like this,

I remember everything
And regret nothing,

Even on nights like this
When all of me screams

But nothing hurts.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Chelsea Daley
I have a gender. I was born a woman therefore I have fear.

I have fear. I am taught at a young age to fear the monsters that come out at night, on the street corners and in dark allies.

I have a particular monster. When I was 11 I was diagnosed with anxiety, a fire that becomes uncontrollable at times.

I have a home. To get to this home I have to walk multiple blocks at night.

I have a phobia. This phobia includes those who walk behind me, and those who walk too close.

I have rationality. I am told I am rational for fearing those who surround me as I walk home.

I have what is expected of me.  By society I have expectations of what I am supposed to look and act like to be considered a successful woman.

I have a roommate. This roommate smokes to curve hunger and in her cigarette burns more than ash but less of what she desires.

I have a mother whose wrinkles are beautiful and tell stories. These wrinkles tell the story of every smile she gave and every laugh she enjoyed, but she is told they are ugly and she covers them day after day.

I have ears. With these ears I hear women telling themselves they aren’t good enough.

I have eyes. With these eyes I see my own reflection and try and see myself as less of an image, or reflection, and more as a person.

I have mind. With this mind I create a vision of a place where people hear what I say instead of seeing what I wear.

I have a life. With this life I want change.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Brandon Webb
He pulls my hand
and I stumble up the stairs
holding two backpacks, four books
and a lunchbox full of old toy cars,
nearly tripping
but landing instead on the second floor landing.

The blinds covering the window in front of me
split slightly,
just enough
for me to see her smiling eye watching me.

I don't know her name
and she doesn't know mine.
we've never said anything real to each other.
we know nothing about each other
other than that she spends a lot of time there
at her grandparents house,
speaking Portuguese, Spanish and English
and listening to Spanish rap on the balcony
loud enough to hear through the floor
of the apartment I only spend six days in a month
and over the occasional fight between my family.

That's all she knows of me;
my fleeting ghost walking with my brother past their window
thirty or so times a month,
but almost inaudibly, and never to her.
wish i knew her better
than as the eye peeking through the blinds

©Brandon Webb
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