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I've been reborn.
With a new life, comes a lot of things.
A new perspective.
A new love.
A new hope.
A new dream.
Most importantly:
*A new start.
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
I hear about her, more often then I'd like
In fact, I'd rather not hear about her at all
I don't want to know all the ways she's "a better me"
All the ways, she's all the things I'm not or I couldn't be
I'm not sorry for not being what you wanted
I'm not sorry for being who I am
Im just sorry you couldn't learn to love my flaws and have some cookie cutout take my fall
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Warm air kiss my cheek
Cold water pull me under
And share your secrets
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
Lillie Marie
I feel as if I'm broken
I feel so scared to death
I wish that you could see
how I'll take my last breath

just make sure no ones home
make sure the doors are locked
I'll be up in my room
with all the windows blocked

I'll have my trusty side kick
a shiny silver blade
since no one can see me
I don't have to wait

just take that first step
just put it on your wrist
starting it off slowly
and ending with a twist

Stop it! that second guessing,
you know its what you want!
is what my mind is telling me
ignoring my whole heart

But then I hear a sound
I hear the front door open
I cut a little deeper
they don't know I'm here I'm hoping

they are on the stairs
with more feet than just two
then suddenly my door opens
though I can't make out a view

tears are falling down
and they take me in their arms
they say that its alright
'We love you with our hearts'

Now finally I realize
that its not worth the pain
I have those who need me
I will finally be happy again
. . . I promise
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
This* big a commitment,
And this tiny an assurance!
But I guess when a guy
So tall, so tough,
Takes his finger
That too the littlest,
And with a face
So earnest,
Curls it around yours,
While making a side remark
On how easily the two "pinkies" fit,
He means to keep his promise,
Oh yes, he means it.
Brick walls (not physical ones)  are there for the sole purpose to show how hard we want something.....
I want her back.
I want to be happy.
I want to not see things.
I want an optimistic perspective.
But how hard I try
I just can't do it...
The world keeps spinning faster
Cries for help lost in the wind
Never to be heard

Forever wandering
Never listening

No one hears the screams
No one knows the pain
That is lost to the ignorance of our world

Forever wandering
Never listening

The fighting never ceases
We ignore the desperate cries for peace
Their sound is smothered by the violence

Let us band together in hopes to be heard
We are stronger when not alone
We shall stand up and our voices shall be heard

We will be forever wandering
They shall never be listening
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
I care
I care so much
I don't understand why though
Why do I have to care about someone I barely know
 Apr 2013 Alice Kay
you know its spring when,
a chalky finger points the way
on the face of broken pavement too,
a tulip gardens bed and,
a splash of color grows.

where a dragon sleeps just above,
a staircase of magic
and breaths.

while April airs the winter out,
a cacoon clear and empty.

all windows open wide
the sky looks down below,
gravity pulls a smile as
I whisper, "beautiful."
let me know what you think!
Before you
I didn't know love.
Before you
I didn't know true happiness
Before you
I didn't know the pain of loss
Before you
I didn't know what it was to shed so many tears
Before you
I didn't know how one person could so change my life.
I love you....why did you have to leave me?
I miss you ;(
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