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 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
And It was like there was a fire in the underbelly of my heart, that I  had waited so long for. On the winding path that I constantly found myself lost in, I had found a reason. I had been lingering, hoping for some sort of inspiration, something to believe in, a map, a key. The uncertainty and curiosity that I tended to find myself tangled in, became my muse. Although I grasp tightly on to my reason, I doubt it will last long. I am known for losing things.
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
And I was perfect, to him at least, I was a heads up penny, a single ray of sunshine in a dark room. He told me how it was amazing how I was not already someone else's labeled piece in this silly game of love. He saw me how I wanted to see myself. And every moment we had was perfect, a perfect reproduction of what I had imagined it all to be. But like I always do, I ruin everything. He started to fall in love with me, as I fell out of love with him.
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
Not knowing
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
I like you.
Or at least I like who I am when I'm with you.
When I look into your eyes,
I'm on a different planet.
I've always liked you...
Even before everyone else did.
I still do...
And I don't know if its worse if you know,
Or worse if you don't.
Do I ever imagine losing you?
I guess.
I bet you feel the same way too.

Do you ever imagine me leaving.
I guess.
None of us is sure love will last forever.

But it's the thing we hope for to happen.
Keeping that loving feeling around forever.

I guess.
What we seek?
We don't want to lose.

I guess.
What we need?
We don't really want.
For, how do a good person ends up all alone?

I guess that's something I will never know.
 Oct 2012 Alice Kay
Katrina Wendt
You were always looking for a reason to say goodbye.
You should have known the only reason you'd need is that you want to.
There was never a need to lie straight to my face.
Instead you left me with anger, resentment and bitterness.
But it's been awhile since then and I'm better.
Not fixed, not whole, not as if it had never happened.
But close enough that remembering you doesn't make me want to break things.
So now I am here.
With new friends, in a new place, where everything is different.
I'm looking to meet someone new.
Although I haven't found them yet.
Part of me worries that I'm broken, and just haven't realized it.
What if I never find someone, because of what you did to me?
I’m just a weak mild bird
That is so fragile
If I cry my feathers weep
I’m nothing fancy
In fact I have no shine
I once had wings and I could fly
But that ended long ago
As you can see
Please close your eyes keep the secrets from me
Today I wish not to be found
I’m a nighttime bird with nighttime blues
Watch me gradually flow away
If only you knew
That day the moon cried
As your feeble bones were lowered into the ground
I watched all I could do was visualize in my mind ***** needles
That you needed more than I
Lines that traced your body searching for the truth
That was never found
I know you looked into the mirror but could see no reflection
Your sick teeth stained with fear
The weeping willow that began the flood  
It was contaminated
You were just a walking shadow
No fury no sound    
Eyes that didn’t see
You were invited to leave yet you stayed
The pages of my bible are now torn
Inside grieving as you disassociate
I want to purge your name into the sky
I feel so solemn
I feel so lost
Strangled by my own hope
Poison kisses and the hush tones
That I refuse to own  
Caught in deaths net
You did not die alone
What if I didn’t take that picture and never got that chance?
What if I failed to say I love you as I reached for my death?
If I gathered my hope and handed it to you would it mean anything?
If I were sick would you help me?
Be the one to lead me when I’m blind
The sorrow that controls me do you understand?
What if all I spoke was careless silly lies?
If you leave I should understand
But inside my head I’ll always ask why
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