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 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Megan Grace
I want to be loved
even when I
talk too loud
or curse in public.
I want to
have someone
to come home to
who will touch my cheek
and tell me
"I've missed you."
And I think love is
knowing how damaged
someone is
but sticking around
to make sure they're fixed,
and I need someone to
stick around for me.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
I am sorry to bother you,
so please
                                                          ­                                  ignore these words
or don't.
Who am I
                                                                ­                      to tell you what to do?
Whatever you choose to do,
                                           know this poem has no greater cosmic meaning.
That was not its purpose.
If there is some deeper meaning,
                                                        ­                                      I'm unaware of it.
I'll leave it to you to speculate.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Fluttering above,
mysteriously crafted,
gracing me with luck.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
oh no
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
I told you so ,
It gets cold at night.

Warm me with a smile.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
The winter months approach,
The sun has given up,
For our cold hearts freeze the light in others.

We hide indoors,
And beneath layers and layers of coats.
Blankets wrap us in the last bits of hope,
That for some odd reason,
We continue to cling to.

The floor has given up,
The walls are caving in.

The crack grows larger.

We will fall.

But surely in the spring,
We shall all bounce back,
But for now,
It's too cold outside for angels to fly.
Last line is from The A Team by Ed Sheeran, beautiful song.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Sara Hainline
The fallen leaves
They float to freedom
They know their time is short
But they've lived knowing their destiny
And have shown you life flows
Further than blood

Their last wish is to feel you
To fall on your shoulder
Give you one final
Triumphant farewell kiss
Before transitioning into earth
What would it be like,To be a raindrop?And your only job,Was to crash?
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Adam Strand
A man stands in the corner
Darkness conquers the light
His clothes, in shambles
A glint in his eyes
Across the room
A heated argument
You avert your gaze
Looking back, the man has gone
Only memory remains
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
KK Ash
When a heart breaks, is it heard?
When tears fall, is it earned?

When left alone, are you lonely?
When he walks away, are you yearning?

When the hurt comes, does it pain?
When the Love leaves, does any remain?

When the friendship is gone, do you cry?
When the odds are impossible, do you try?

When the body aches, is the soul sore?
When the mind weeps, does it crave more?

When the memories fade, do you mourn?
When the future is unclear, do you go forth?

When faith parts, does it come back?
When Love returns, does it lack?

When the hearts tears, does it resent me?
When all is said and done, is Love simply a Tragedy?
Trees look the same
when you say they're just trees

Food tastes the same
when all you do is eat

People look the same
when all you do is look

Music sounds the same
when it's verse, hook, chorus, hook
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