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 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Lucky Queue
Roses are red, but only sometimes
And I don't care much for them anyways
Violets are never blue
But I like crepe myrtles better
Sugar is sweet, but too sweet for me
I'd much rather have spicy
As for you? You're only sweet all the time
Other times, you're incredible.
It's way too early for valentines day, isn't it?
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Colleen Brown
You're the only one who truly gets me
And you're the only one who cared.
I can't stand laying here at night;
The darkness alone has me scared.

I need to feel your warm embrace;
A hug that takes the pain away.
When I wake from the worst of dreams,
My dream catcher is nothing but grey.

My knight in shining armor
Is temporarily misplaced
Instead I'm left with a wretch'd hole
In place of an amazing grace.

Please come home soon.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
If I remember correctly,
I hesitated before saying yes.
I failed to get to know you.
I knew about you,
And I loved the idea of you,
But neglected to see the real you.
I dove in too soon and the water was shallow.
Hit my head on the bottom.
And didn't learn until it stopped hurting.
Although when I think back now,
The whole thing was a waste of time.
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
juan zavala
Hold me in your arms.
Just don't be breaking my heart.
My heart always yours...
 Nov 2012 Alice Kay
Lucky Queue
The last time I saw you we were saying goodbye
And brushing fingertips, gazing back at each other
As we walked our separate ways
Complete separation came a while later, like a razor
A wicked sharp blade brought between us by you
Confess your love and then leave seems to be your way
Say we'll remain friends but never speak again.
The second time rougher than the first
Making scars upon old thick scar tissue.
Funny, you always begged for a kiss when we were together
But I never got a kiss goodbye
And now I only get to stare at my cold metal reflection
When you said good bye,
I felt like I was gonna die,
Oh, I’m losing it all,
Baby I feel like I’m about to fall,
I’m just sitting here waiting for your call,
All of the sudden my heart stopped,
All of the sudden my pulse dropped,
Without you it feels like my life's been swapped,
Without you here I’m scared tonight,
Everyone keeps saying it’ll be alright,
But baby I just wanna see you in my sight,
I’m standing right here,
Oh I know your near,
Just show me that your there,
As I keep turning around,
I see my world crashing down,
Without you I feel like I’m gonna drown,
I know you love me but your with him,
I wish you were with me,
I wish I could hold in my arms forever,
I love your smile and your deep brown eyes,
Your gentle touch,
Your soft voice,
Oh girl I love you
There's not a minute
A second
A day
A week
A year
That goes by that I don't think about you
There are those moments
Those precious moments
That we spend together and then I realize
You two are still together
I start to fall
I'm losing it
Yet I know that you love me
You want me
But you are more scared than me
What if I hurt you
What if I let you go
What if it's more than you ever expected
More than you
Than you ever wanted
What if it is was perfect
What if
What if
I think about that everyday
I would never hurt you
Never leave you
Never let you go
For 3 years
I've proved this
For 3 years
I've loved you
Give me the chance and I'll show you
I'll never leave you
I'll love you till the end of time
So now I let my emotions flow
Out everything comes
I can't hold it back anymore
The tide of emotion flows forward
This is how I see my world
This is why I need you
This is why
This is why I love you
What is love
Thats the question everyone wants to know
Love is never letting go
Love is knowing they love you even when they are giving up
Love is not wanting to let go
Love is being scared to say good bye at night because you are afraid that in the morning they will be gone
Love is having your heart torn up in front of you a hundred times and still wanting more
Love is watching as they find someone else and knowing you will still be there for them
Love is waiting for that moment you fear will never come
Love is wanting to die rather than live without them
Love is being scared of getting everything you ever wanted except the one who mattered
Love is seeing them in everything you do
Love is crying at your favorite memories
Love is telling them every secret you've ever had
Love is listening to every song on the radio and thinking to yourself that is us
Love is that feeling that no matter what we do we cannot escape it
Love is staring deep into their eyes and knowing they love you
Love is being scared they won't be happy
Love is wanting them to leave when they have given up
Love is the one thing that scares everyone more than death
Love it faking a smile when it hurts to even think about life without them
Love is never wanting to wake up the next day because you know they are already gone
This is what love is to me
But what the hell do I know I'm just a kid
Just a kid thats willing to give the world just to get a minute with her
He's just a kid
He cant understand love
Don't you ever wonder where we went so wrong,
How we went so wrong,
When we went so wrong
To go as far as to condemn someone
For doing what we would have done in a heartbeat
A millennium ago?
Don't you take some time off to wonder
When the lines between justice and hypocrisy
Became so blurred? When justice became just
Another tool to be used to shut the masses up.
When justice was used as an excuse to draw
Wool over our eyes.
My words of course, don't rhyme
They just convey what we wish we
Could say to the faces of those
Who do these wrongs.
But every single, little time,
We draw back. Due to fear of
God-knows-what. Maybe sticks,
Maybe stones, maybe feuds,
Maybe because the one in the
Mirror would call us fools for
Even trying, maybe because
One day we will be the same.
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