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i see you there

branches twisted in a cage

(the most organic prison)

snow on the ground

a red tattered blanket on

and you’re shivering

(in the centre)

the silence of the forest surrounds you

(whispers of birch and pine)

you feel so alone

tears freezing to your face

you’re already numb

look up

feel my hand

the warmth as i pull you in closer

(and keep you there)

i will protect you

(until you stop shaking)

hold you close

as winter passes to spring

and i’ll be back in autumn..
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
Nik Bland
I can still hear your voice reciting the pages you wrote
Each line breathing off the paper, what heaviness they tote
Notation of relationships are bullets to the brain
Feeling heat upon my temple as they ******* away

I can still feel warmth from the words etched in your journal page
Telling of your joy and sadness, your patience and your rage
They linger as if a shallow mist and I'm drowning in your song
Living in a world where you aren't here, but you're never gone
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
Nik Bland
I have not seen her eye, but I have seen her "I"
The smooth way she rhymes stops time, and gives me reasons why
And she would make me laugh so much, that I was close to tears
Even though her voice has yet to ever reach my ears

And I read her and her words and deep down she knows me
Though star-crossed lovers we are, I fell in love through poetry
It grew, it fluttered, it stuck, it stained, the words that made my eyes shine
In love I found myself and her poems served as her seductive paradigm

In awe I find myself in the strangest of situations
An undying devotion to the creator simply from her creation
For her words dictate her soul and her soul dictates her in all
Through words I find a unflinching love and in words I too, shall fall
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
The Cut
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
somewhere inside of her she was broken,
with wounds no doctor could heal
it was like she'd lost her history
and forgotten all of her future
she only thought now of the present
breathing for that moment when the knife
took all the hurt away
living for the lonely void inside
that the streaming blood could somehow fill
and just for that single moment
she didn't have to think about the true pain...
the pain that hurt the most
another day in that life, of being that person,
the crashing dreams
the bleeding took it all away
and once again she felt that she was
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
Rachel Diane
You think
‘cause I live in
A pretty house I don’t
feel pain and haven’t felt things that
leave scars?

There’s more
than my happy
smile that meets your eye.
Been told “I wish I aborted you”,  
seen her

on the kitchen
floor. Caught her with men, caught
her with women,  and watched her walk away

I’ve been lied to,
manipulated, and
abandoned. So don’t cry to me and
tell me

you wish
you had my life.
You don’t know me. I’m not
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
this time of year things grow piercingly
into your heart; blades of grass push through
tender flesh and harden into sand-sharpened
needles that ache so delicately-

covered in spines, and ailing,
touching the face of the boy you have loved
and telling him softly "never forget that."

we wander through piles of photographs lost in time,
moments drifting off trees of held hands and cracked green bus seats
that are whispering the laughs of ashes
and the thirteen year old love for a best friend who
honestly knows why your heart is so sore.

we move on, we surrender things we loved and those
we loved,
I can take your hand and tell you all the things I want to believe,
but stagnant, I wonder how I will ever live,
with the hearts so dear to mine left so far behind.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
Continue as you were, as you are
unchanged and ambivalent.

Continue on your way, and I will on my own.
Finally we have diverged.
No finally I have diverged. You were never on my same path.

So I will continue along,
altered and aware.
Aware of my naivety.
Aware of my insignificance in your eyes,
even though you encompassed my entire field of view.
This poem is dedicated to all of the unborn children.

Do you hear the cries of the unborn
Do you hear what he is trying to say,
He is trying to plea for his life,
so you don't take it away.

Do you know what will happen to
you when come in front of Jesus
on the judgment day?
He will ask you why you did what
you did, and you will not be able
to explain it away.
When he asks you don't you know
who body belongs too? and you
tell him it belongs to you alone.
Will you  listen to him tell you,
that you have that all wrong.

Jesus tell  will you in a simple say,
It was his blood that brought your
life on the deary Good Friday
afternoon so very long ago,
and that your body is not your own.

You will think twice about it,
before you take an innocent life
because every life is precious
in our Lord's eyes.
 Jan 2013 Alice Kay
My sugar
cube heart
Watch it
In your tea
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
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