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 Mar 2013 Alice Kay
Nik Bland
Open these blinds
Let me see the moonlight
So long I'd find
I've been hidden from these sights

Tonight, awake
Bathed inside milky hues
I sit, my heart quakes
Nevermore reveling in skies of blue

Are you out there
Beyond the atmosphere watching
Stars shout their fanfare
As the silver dollar moon sings to me

Tears of crocodiles
Fall down my face, come and go
I look onto the night
Oh departed lover, I miss you so
 Mar 2013 Alice Kay
I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect daughter you had hoped for.
I'm sorry that my grades aren't all A's.
I'm sorry that I look like I'm about to laugh right before I cry,
And I'm sorry that after being your daughter for my whole entire life, you still haven't realized that.
I'm sorry that I have friends.
I'm sorry that I spend so much time on my computer.
I'm sorry that I listen to music and I'm sorry that I write poetry.
I'm sorry that I stay up so late.
I'm sorry that we have different priorities.
I'm sorry that I wrote this,
And I'm sorry I'm not perfect.
The wind whispers a cold tune,
A sense of loneliness fills the air.
The unkindness of the world
Echoes through my mind.

I hear people starving,
Forgive me, for I am not

I am awaken from this
Sally Struthers          
Wanting to ride my bicycle
One more time, before questions
Of heaven and hell arise.

Into the sun we will walk
One day,
past the clouds.
Are we in hell
searching for righteousness?

Do we seek that staircase
To enlightenment?
Do we follow the yellow brick road
To wake from this dream
Called Life.

Departing this world is no dream,
Shadows of an unforgivable past
De-illuminates  your destination
And St. Peter utters
“ Sorry we reached our limit”
I'm not leaving
I'm not waking up today
I'll stay here
And sleep this ******* world away
I'm not leaving
Not getting up and getting out
There's no reason
There's no benefit of doubt
I'm not leaving
I will not face this ******* life
I'm just tired
Wake me up later tonight
I'm not even tired. But I don't want to go. It's not like I can do anything anyway
 Mar 2013 Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Alice Kay
I get it.
You're upset and just want someone to talk to.
I'll be that person,
But don't mistake me for a backup plan.
I am scared. I am scared of failing, of never prevailing; of being let down and being let go. I'm scared of you hurting, of never really learning, of not being here to get to watch you grow. And tomorrow: who knows what it brings; thousands of things, that seem to sing, and scream, and claw at my head. Making my eyesight swallowed in red. And it's  said; I won't forget you I know that it's true. But the days pass by and I'm almost through. Why can't you, just come with me when I go? Just drop everything and come and hit the road. But I'm selfish, for even thinking such things. The emptiness consumes me and I want to just scream; your name, my anchor, my truth. The one one who made me believe, that's you. And I know, I overwhelm you and put the stress in your back. And I say things I shouldn't and I never relax. And you get quiet or maybe don't reply; and sometimes I sit here just waiting and die. It's not your fault.. I know I'm too much. I guess I just have an issue with trust. I have an issue with forgetting, with just letting go. Especially when I remember everything you don't know. I'm okay with being loved how I am now. Of sometimes hitting cold shoulders and frowns. Of watching you drown; even when I throw you a rope. Even when I try to give you some hope; a smile, my shoulders to lean. But I don't know if you listen to me or anything. I tell you I love you, that you're my whole world. I don't just say this to you to give you a whirl. To hear something back; though I admit it'd be nice. I haven't heard it for awhile; maybe once or twice. See the truth is, I'm pathetic. But it's the way that I am. Holding onto your words with both of my hands. I'm terrified, to ever let you go. Though I have a friend similar and she says she knows; that when I go, it'll never be the same. That you'll forget my name and from where I came. From who I am, and how I act. She said that all I'll see is your back; as it turns from me and walks out the door. I think if that happens I'll just sit on the floor. Give me a jacket to hug myself and a pinwheel to blow, spin round and round and see where it goes. Because that's what I'd be like; just spinning round and round. Waiting for you to come back around. To visit, to text me, to call me goodnight. I'm not gonna hold you back from your life. I want you to grow, to meet somebody new. To have a best friend who can be there with you. I want you to go on adventures and laugh in the sun. Someone to be there to let you have fun. And not be so protective as I always was. Let you lean on them and give you their love. I'm preparing for my last night to be a final goodbye. Just because what if it is, and I never got to cry? Or tell you how I love the color of your eyes; your humor.. There's so many things. So many things that I'll always sing; and keep in my heart. Together forever and never apart. Well, I guess apart. And like I said I'm scared. I know you'll see this and won't say a word; it's not how you are, of that I'm sure. Just know that I spent an hour, lying in my room. Trying not to call you and tell you I love you. Trying not to text you, just to say sweet dreams. Trying to not think of you and everything you mean; to me. I'm terrified and I have been every day. And I will be every night until I go away. And I'll probably sit in my room there, a few hours up the state. And write about the way you are on another hundred page.
Completely venting.
 Mar 2013 Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Alice Kay
Take me back,
To that one night,
Where we laughed around the fire,
And the stars were bright.
For a split second,
It felt so right.
Before you left the country,
Before the plane took flight.
I don't know... I just miss him...
You dip your toes into the water
Before you're off the diving board
You play the scale before the melody
You learn to shoot before you score

You say hello before you kiss me
You say goodbye before you leave
How do I know that you'll come back?
You've got to show me before I'll believe.
Do you ever feel like dying?
Not sinfully, I swear.
No suicide involved in this,
but life you cannot bear.
Do you ever feel like letting go?
Traveling to God.
Just leaving everything behind,
though nothing's even wrong.
My mom calls me an old soul,
I see through different eyes.
Sometimes I just feel tired,
and think that I must die.
For how will I get through every trivial day?
When I've been here before,
and everything's the same.
Don't get me wrong,
I have so many moments that I love.
I have a best friend,
could I watch her from above?
It's not that I'm sad,
that I'm depressed or anything.
Sometimes I just want to go home.
I want to get my wings.
Sometimes I have a feeling,
that maybe I'll die young.
But don't be sad if I'm gone when my life has just begun.
It's not like this is my first time,
I've been here before.
I'll stay here for a little while,
but prepare for me to soar.
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