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Alexandra J
UK    21-year-old writing her mind out. Poetry book, "Girl Steps Into Darkness to Meet God" out now----->
Isabelle Hampshire
Rome    “And in the end, we were all just humans..drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.” -Scott Fitzgerald Please give feedback …
Austin    A look inside
Stig hendrick ludwig
Where Is My Mind?    I'm Autumn. I spend too much of my time writing poems (more time than you think),so I add to the site quite often. Feedback welcome! …
Jacqueline Flores
22/Miami    j.f//j.v Ig: jackiee_xx I'm just in love with the words in poetry and with the sound of music
Carl Joseph Roberts
Florida    I now have my first book published called, Through My Eyes. The book is on Amazon, Lulu and Kindle and can be seen and purchased …
You are allowed to be happy despite the awful things.
NY    shit's changed
Tom Leveille
VA USA    twitter: @avxlanche YouTube: booking inquiries: my book "down with the ship" is now availible:
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
So I just love writing.
Andrew Switzer Stoned Ferret
Catherine VanVooren
Wisconsin    We all have split personalities. At least I, for one, am not the same person on the outside as I am on the inside. Two …
Kevin T Norman
Brooke Davis
25/F    I do not need to be remembered. All that will matter is that I was here... in this moment.
blair asher
coughing up storms    gonna kiss you so hard that your fingers always tremble, and when she puts that wedding ring on your finger she'll whisper "please forget"
Singapore    writing - art ♥ - colour pencils, copics and clay - a love for beautiful quotes, pretty fonts and good books - 13 - the …
Fuji Bear
I write amateur poetry. Hopefully you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it.
Hannah Dutton
Texas    just a teen with a broken heart and high hopes
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