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The contrast is stunning
Taking my breath away
Only when I'm so happy do I realize
How miserable were the other days
Life is always so heavy
Weighed down by fear and the past
Though things seem so perfect right now
I'm terrified they won't last
You can almost hear the raindrops
whisper to one another.
You can hear the rhythm of your footsteps
Muffled by the puddles on the ground.
You say you love the rain, yet you complain
Every time it reaches out to touch your face.
It is as if each raindrop is a space between
One second and the next,
Seperating the past from the present.,
The present from the future,
And it is a cliche, but they say
That now is called the present because each second
Is a gift.
Wrapped up in paper they call clouds
And stolen the very instant it is unwrapped,
You always wonder
What you will open next.
And in a clap of thunder you realize
It is not the rain you hate, but the future.
Theres always somewhere to go,
Someone to see, some reason
‘I cant go there with my hair like that’
Some reason to say I'm sorry,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.

The rain never apologizes ,
And that's what makes it beautiful.
Somehow it reflects a time when man was primal,
Before he gave himself the right to fear,
And it was simple,
And it was beautiful.

The rain whispers *I love you,
And I am not sorry.
 Mar 2013 Alexander Cullen
Puzzle pieces laid out flat,
Why don't they fit like the
Dried up canals on our palms
Used to fit?

Maybe the persistent mist has
Given up -
Decided to land
On the Sunflowers

The only Puzzle I touched,
Hard plastic between
Long fingers.
Cold, Complicated, Confused.

Shock my brainwaves into
Reality -
With the warmth of

Trace the blades of my shoulders
With your electric paintbrushes,
Creating a masterpiece in me
That is craving
To come to life.

Show me where the pieces
Spoon and weave together
In the perfect harmony
Of our voices.

I'm still here,loving you from afar
hoping and wishing you knew.
Im stil here,even after cut me so    deep and tore me down
I'm still here,struggling not to call you in the night,when the pain becomes too much.
And in the morning when I wake up from the dreams where you and i were okay.
I'm still here,my heart aching
Is this what they call profound love?
An intense longing for you,
for your presense
for your touch
for your kiss?
I'm still here,loving you from afar
still hoping&wishing;.
We used to sit together in this place,
my young eyes wide as we blew bubbles in the shade.
Sidewalk chalk lay in a pile at our feet,
As we huddled in the tiny shelter from the afternoon’s heat.

Our hands were full of sour blueberries,
Ripe, but not yet sweet,
Freshly picked in the backyard,
And eaten right away.

Now I’m sitting here again,
I’m bigger, but there’s still space for two.
And one space will always be empty,
As I sit here and remember you.
This is an old one, but happy birthday Grammy
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