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 Sep 2015 Alane
 Sep 2015 Alane
Mid July nights
You roll over
And we're in a new city
I taste the adrenaline on your fingertips
As we taste each other in a new city

It is home just for one night
I wish I could call your eyes home again
But lately you're in another galaxy
Somewhere far away from here
If I ever found you,
Would you let me stay?
 Mar 2013 Alane
 Mar 2013 Alane
The way the water runs crimson
is intriguing.
I must have more.
The stinging only lasts a few days
Unless you go too far.
The healing is concealable
wearing long pants all the time.
It's too risky on the arms now
what with this trending.
But really, does anyone give a ****?
Do your friends ever really care
if you're hurting yourself?
I'll tell you right now,
they don't.
And they probably never will.
If you keep your mouth shut,
you're golden.
If you open your ***** mouth
and spill, you're gone
you've lost everything
that was private to you.

But you love to watch the water run crimson.
You like that the burning lasts a few days,
don't you?
You don't mind long pants in the winter,
your friends don't ask.
You keep your mouth shut
and you're golden.
So honey,
rip up your skin,
create your own tattoos
and tell your own stories.

And remember every moment of marking yourself.
Because no one else will.
 Mar 2013 Alane
i worry about a lot of things
things happening too fast
and time passing too slow
about everything i've done
and about everything
i haven't gotten to yet
i worry about you
that i don't know
what any of this means
and if you're planning
on doing the same thing
that he did to me
i worry, because i'm not sure
that i can handle it again.
 Mar 2013 Alane
Carlos Molina
Your dagger pierced through my skin

I feel it emptying itself, the poison surrounds

Beneath the encasing of my skin

Lies a tortuous ordeal.

Never finding myself, never finding me

Just a mannequin, an empty shell

The dagger releases a seal

A past, unknown.

Keep looking for words, they're in there (somewhere)

Though I look good, unaware, happy

Fear it, cuz its only a layer

Just... a layer.

Beneath this skin, beneath these flesh and bones

About 6 feet under,

You might find it

Find me

The poisonous dagger, has done nothing to me

**** me? No

Released a seal

Released the truth.

I am me.

I've always been me.
 Mar 2013 Alane
 Mar 2013 Alane
The joy of the day after
was the song of my soul
free from the restraints of
language, from the bars of
repression & rejection, the
way nobody wants it to be.
I don't have storage for all
of this love that I am penting
up inside. I place what I can,
what I have to, in closed-doored
hearts of friends who can't,
or won't, reciprocate. My love
is prisoner, starving for takers,
for a listening ear & a loving

Starving for takers,
but hungry for you.
A bit old, about a month ago. Funny how fast feelings change.
 Mar 2013 Alane
Bad Choices
 Mar 2013 Alane
There's no point
in ensuring my safety.
For the world I've been
forced to dwell in
is a hazard to all.

Every choice I make
is inevitably a bad one.
So why should I take
procedures, and wrap myself
in a safety blanket.

Everything that's cherished
has been ripped away from me.
There's nothing
to look forward to.
So excuse me for not playing it safe.

I'll make the worst choices,
never think about anything that could go
Because everything bad that could happen
already has.

I'll walk on hot coals with naked feet.
I'll stay underwater
for minutes too long.
I'll taste the sweet forbidden fruit
that is actually living.

Put the poisonous nectar
in my already dying body.
I'll get hazy and fade away
and let the worst people
do the best things to me.

Because I have absolutely nothing to lose.
 Mar 2013 Alane
burn the light of fire
and wax the ears of injustice.

chide the moon
and bid ado to the reckless sun.

count the blessings of misfortunes
and wave verbs in the air--
breathing the hopeful breaths of married sandals

Label the pains of a billion rain drops and fawn the feathers
of a nightingale over the glory of failed
triumphs known as yesterday.

break the hands of a wristwatch and make a ******* of time--
for through the God in Satan was how Earth was won.
 Mar 2013 Alane
Sam G Lusk
Life came,
It’s own purpose a mystery,
But I saw green leaves
And I felt the magic of soft days;
I shouted my song of happiness,
And in a sentimental movie,
I discovered my meaning.
I charged the earthquake,
Flattened the riot, plugged the volcano.
Life hung back, just out of sight,
Not caring whether my effort
Was indolent or right.

Then life confessed itself,
Dragging me through the muddy streets,
And just as I found it too much to bear,
Just as I came to know life, the predator,
And began to grieve my sentence,
Life showed me more sentimental theater
And I cried for myself,
And imagined truth and independence.
But life, incognizant, came again to the gate;
It mired me in the doorway of my opportunity,
It starved my children
And ignored my dire straits.
I was a prisoner in it.

Then I discovered life thriving
In burrowing beetles and worms,
As happy there as in me.
But I had lived out my screenplay;
I praised the author, and died earnestly.

— The End —