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aeoxi Nov 2015
When I say she is beauty incarnate
It is not an exaggeration.  
She could draw the breath of any mortal man or woman,
Her skin like silk, and eyes like
The sea.  
Though her eyes seemed icy,  
They burned with a passion
Stronger than the gods.                      
Perhaps she was a goddess herself.
If aphrodite was to walk this earth,  
It would be in this body.  
one look from her and all my senses
Ignite and I burn,
She is both the calm before the storm,
And the storm itself.
I love both sides as one
aeoxi Nov 2015
And I regret not telling you
how I had adored the ground you walked on
How I lived to see your happiness

And I regret letting you go
For it was a mistake
to me your worth was more than gold
I want you to know
My heart was yours to take
aeoxi Nov 2015
I often find my heart lies with the lads
And I find I related more than my body should
And other days I find I align with what my mother would be proud of

The confusion sickens me    
I feel like a freak
A shapeshifter in a circus
One who crowds gather to gawk at
It feels like they stare and mock my absurdity
It rips me apart to feel so different

And I have been told that it is for attention
But please know that no one would wish this confusion on themselves only to be looked at with disdain
I am me and that is simple and plain
an old poem of mine

— The End —