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Trusty as the stars
Who quit their shining working
Prompt as when I lit them
In Genesis’ new house,
Durable as dawn
Whose antiquated blossom
Makes a world’s suspense
Perish and rejoice.
 Nov 2016 Adam Long
Mike Hauser
How do you measure
What can't be seen
The heart of a man
The in of between
The conscience that follows
When something's done wrong
How do you measure
The depth of a poem

How do you measure
The day you must face
If it's taken for granted
If it's given in grace
Or measure a seed
That has yet to show growth
How do you measure
What you do not know

How do you measure
The hour before late
The width of a shoulder
Where a tear is laid
The inkling of an idea
The moment it's made
How do you measure
Love before it's given away

How do you measure
The chill of the wind
The guilt of the pleasure
That comes from within
The sliver of light
Before the sun has it's say
How do you measure
The end of the day
Another barrier gone
And finally, my lies can end,
For five days a week
And two afternoons
I can be comfortable,
Safe in my skin,
I can sing and write
Of wings and dresses
Of being weak and loving it
Of looking in a mirror
And seeing me looking back
Free to dance and giggle
And look sweet, look cute,
Look pretty
And be unafraid
To feel pretty too
To smile at the world
With the giddy joy of a child
For this is my start,
This is my beginning,
I am May,
And I am a confident,
free, pretty and happy
 Nov 2016 Adam Long
Love Marriage
 Nov 2016 Adam Long
Its like browsing
the other
like....... on-line purchase
you compare
you check
you postpone
finally decided to marry
and came home
find its not suitable
unfortunately this product
not from amazon to return..
He scoops sands in baskets

then balancing neatly on the shoulder
carries to where needed
through bone breaking hours.

Upon his footprints is there a name
or a home
where he goes back for the night
lands featherlight kiss on a woman
awakes her sleepy bones with her hands
forgetting his days sinking in the sands.
 May 2016 Adam Long
Mfena Ortswen
The day will be light
Darkness will be night
The wind will blow
While rivers flow
The sun will glow
As night creatures lay low
Why trouble incessantly
With what happens tomorrow
As long as earth remains earthly
All will come and go
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