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Dec 2019 · 1.8k
Hamster #4
Abhi ASAP Dec 2019
There is no Hamster #1-3

The Hamster wakes up,
pounces straight out of bed.
He oils himself up from hip to head.

He goes to work in a big machine.
It turns and turns, round and round he churns.
Rodent mouths stand agape at his speed.
He’s an important hamster; he has his own wheel.

There’s a card on his desk, it’s his one year birthday.
“1-year-old me? I thought it’s just another Thursday.”
All his friends join in, from rodents to whales.
There is a big party, he even gets some tail.

Next morning he wakes, it feels like a new dawn.
“One year? I can’t believe it… A third of my life is gone.”
He has a moment of crisis – “Is this all there to life is?
It’s time for me to face the bitter truth.
Just for money, I’ve given up my youth.”

He skips work and goes for a sip in a bar.
From the corner of his eye he spots a Sloth.
Just idling on the couch, chewing on a leaf.
It could be food, but more likely it’s ****.

Next to him sits a dog, slobbering.
“Excuse me Mr. Hamster, sorry for bothering.
I couldn’t help but notice, you seem to be in a mood.
Your furry whites are a shade too blue.”

The Hamster says, “Let me ask you something.
If you could do anything, what would be that one thing?”
“Oh dear, I don’t think about this poo.
I am a dog, I am happy, no point thinking through.”

Eavesdropping, a parrot glides in.
“Why, that’s a silly attitude my friend.”
Life is what you make it, says the bird.
And promptly flies away, dropping another giant ****.

A Tortoise strolls in, and takes a seat.
“No rush, Bartender. I’ll have a whiskey, neat.”
Struck by awe, the hamster enquires.
“Sir, did you ever find what your heart desires?”

“Ah young Hamster, there is no magic spell.
Every night before I sleep, I look inside my shell.
I don’t know your truth, but one thing I can tell you:
it’s that you should look inside your shell too.
It takes time, and you do have to go far.
Before you were born, I was already on my way to this bar.”

The hamster leaves to do what hamsters do,
Ticket to India: “hello, just passing through.”
Spend a week in Goa, and start doing Yoga.
Takes care of his mind, and no sugar or soda.

And so after a week, the prodigal pup returns.
His mind is clear, he starts his own little firm.
He makes time to be outside with his horde,
Energy renewed, not a single day he’s bored.

Another week passes, and all is well.
Many pits of despair, he saw but never fell.
And one day he finds a large present in his room.
“Where did this come from?” – no one has a clue.
He feels a wet tail, as it starts to reveal,
“Oh my god, not this, not a Hamster Wheel.”

Hamster Facts:
- Hamsters have a lifespan of 3 years (depends on breed)
- Hamsters have scent glands in the hip area. They groom themselves to spread the oils secreted from these glands all over their bodies.
- A baby Hamster is called a “pup”. A group of them is called a “horde”.
- Wet Tail is a common disease in Hamsters, usually caused by stress or a sugary diet (but may have other causes)
Nov 2019 · 224
Abhi ASAP Nov 2019
You are a Phoenix.

You will burn,
and the world
will be dazzled by your flame.
You will rise again,
from the ashes,
stronger than before.

Am I a Phoenix?

I have burned
many times,
and I did rise
from the ashes,
but always less.
Dec 2011 · 627
The Pretty Mask
Abhi ASAP Dec 2011
Hey! Wake up, pick out your clothes,
And pass your day the way They want.
Pass your day, the way They say,
It’s time to put on your pretty mask.

No! Don't look at that guy, sketching in the park.
Don't you know, They consider him 'weird'?
There’s just the one way to 'happiness',
Don’t ever give up your pretty mask.

Laugh, even when it’s not funny,
Smile, even if it is too **** hard.
Blend in or They will see and attack,
Don’t ever give up your pretty mask.

It matters not what you really want,
and what you feel is not a concern.
It's what They think that really matters,
Don’t ever give up your pretty mask.

And comes the night after the long day,
Now you may cry and wash your face.
There is no one around to see you now,
For now, you can pull off the mask.

But look, here goes the dark night,
and the sun declares it a new day.
Soon you have to go step out in the light,
Time to put on the heavy, pretty mask, again.

— The End —