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A Mess of Words Jul 2020
I hope you are

A star-gazer

An avid embracer

A rainy day reveler

A countless kiss craver

A cheerful heart
Filled with
Joie de vivre

And for you, I hope,
All these things
I will be
A Mess of Words Jun 2018
Saw a comment
In this age of interwoven everything
Incensed that Bourdain's death
Receive more attention than those
Of many lost veterans

(My father a veteran
With yet a glint of hope
To live out his years
To their natural end

And my grandfather
A serviceman long ago
Carrying light betrayals
Of this said great nation

Great men both, and)
Great those who give their all
Yet what gave us Bourdain?

Just as much
In equal measure

A life
Hard lived
Worn and weary and truthfully

All peoples feel
The terrible weight of their sins
At days end,
Those who profess no belief

Bourdain gave art
Bought with sweat and blood and
Costly time
(For all of us
Time is valuable beyond gold)

And food
And good cheer
Spent in the late evenings
And long mornings
Surrounded by all manner of
Gripping yarn

A double life?
Not unlikely
A wounded wanderer?
Most assuredly
A value immeasurable?
Beyond doubt

And what would we all do?
Should we write, or read, or sing, or paint, or eat, or travel, or labor, or rest, or weep, or laugh, or cook, or question, or answer, or defend, or break?

And live.
Veterans of this warring world
Cooks of worthy creations
A Mess of Words Aug 2021
Swiftly fading even in

The shade of a little white lie;

Of all the rarest gems

Innocence is first to die.
A Mess of Words May 2020
There is a terrible wonder
a childlike mystery
wrapped in the word

for none of us have;

though once,

we did.

and how haunting the notion
as though even lost Eden
still lingered somewhere
on the edges of our
bitter broken hearts

mine was stolen
about the age of ten

or worse
perhaps I sold it
for bittersweet pleasures,
the foretaste of
everlasting ash.

to never again
know the joy of kindly eyes,
or the incomparable inhalation
of that first breath
when the rumors of the sea
become real
to both sight and lung.

or lost,
or sold,

or very simply removed

through the cruel currents
of terrible time.



if only I have
the audacity
to put myself aside

and yet come

to the crux
of humanity
and history

with the shameful
significant cry

'forgive me'
the paltry prayer of a plundered soul
A Mess of Words Jul 2020
I wake in the middle,
And at all other hours,
Of the night.

I hear the joints
Of this old building,

I have to remind myself
It's older than I am;
Likely has more complaints,
But fewer demons.
For the insomniac
A Mess of Words Aug 2021
You have left me,
My love,
With naught but words of scorn,
As your every step
Draws you further from me.

How far will you go,
Before you realize
Your tears have been falling?
Before you feel
The ache of this abandonment?

But I know you,
And I know
You chase perfection as a shooting star.
It lives but a moment
And burns into your heart;
And you dream more than I can give.

Now we are separated
By towering mountain ranges
That shimmer bright
From a hundred seasons of snow.
But even then
The lilies there are never silent;
They whisper in the winter night.

I still see your prints
Not yet buried under new snow.
You have gone
So very far away.
Though my heart
Never ceases its call,
I cannot you through the storm
A foolish Arirang interpretation. Arirang is a Korean folk song; almost a national anthem.
A Mess of Words Aug 2021
See you again,
After June
Has been back in.
A Mess of Words Aug 2020
Many men catch beauty

with merely an eye.

Few men cherish beauty;

Fewer still wonder why.
physical and intangible
A Mess of Words Sep 2020
As the bow
On violin
Invite my lips
Upon your skin
And our music play

Kisses sprinkled
Over her
Hourglass form
Would be
An hour
Well spent

Her teeth naively bite my ear
And I tingle as I hear
‘You belong to me, my dear’

She strips me bare
With but a glance
Her tongue on her lips
Begins to dance
She pins me down
And takes her chance
More of this...
A Mess of Words Jul 2021
An unconvincing smile
Let slip the obligatory lie;

Our hands limp at our sides
Rather than likewise occupied;

Ours lips retained run-down recollections
That our bodies begged to remember;

An inconvenient fork
Found us falling away;

My best friend since departed
While I was forced to stay.
A Mess of Words Apr 2021
Of all my regrets,
For Man is granted
Not a few;

Of all my regret:
My deepest wound,
My keenest loss,
Has settled there upon
Life seems a cruel pleasure,
The likes of which
Naught can measure.
A Mess of Words Apr 2022
I love you.

I only wish

I could teach my younger self

I didn’t only want you;

I loved you.

If I could do that,

Perhaps tonight,

I could breathe that honest truth

Into your ears

And not spill it on paper.
love, regret, and the perils in between
A Mess of Words Jan 2020
In a dream I sought you

Begging a second chance

Within that dream

You gave me not a second glance

'Perfection failed our first time round,

What do you want from me?'

I never sought from you perfection;

Yet from desire, I'm never free.
Larissa. My love has never yet ceased. Larissa. From you, I fear, I shall never know peace.

My love for you is unconditioned.
A Mess of Words Apr 2019
I remember
     your lips:

Understated, yet
     strikingly sweet,

Like the scent of plums
     wavering on the breeze.
A Mess of Words May 2017
I've listened long
To men so loud
Boasting on and
Ever proud

I've listened less
To honesty
Fearful it might
Undo me
A Mess of Words Dec 2019
I cannot think of you

Without being burned

And I cannot touch you

Without being scarred

Yet to resign myself

To neither

Is to be forever marred
Livana is not her name, but perhaps a name she deserves
A Mess of Words Jun 2018
i've been shuffling around in the socks of a dead man

i don't want to die in a hospital bed
mummified quite politely in their
robe of humiliation
before they wheel me off to excavate any
unspoiled organs
to suit another ill-fated man

i should be out
on the charred pavement and
streets of dust
catching the taste of this bittersweet place
on the edge of my tongue
though the dregs and the derelicts
trudge beneath a weight of weariness
and i am fit between it all
A Mess of Words Sep 2020
Perhaps love is,

at least for us mortal folk,

little more (or less)

than a frail seed

In great need

of good tilled soil and

water and sun

and laughter and fun

and wisdom to know

how desperately

broken we all are.

And maybe


given due time and care

Love can bloom

become a real thing

become a summer garden thriving

because love

real Love

is far more than passion and desire

More than a meager

give and take

push and pull

'you scratch my back
I scratch yours';

Perhaps love is

something breathed in

with that breath of divine

that first brought us

up out of dust;

Perhaps Love

is so much more than our emotions

much more vast

than all our oceans

Perhaps love is less about

Caste and height;

Perhaps real love

is an unprecedented delight,

A chance to live right.
Unedited writing,  2019
A Mess of Words Dec 2016
Her neighbors were her friends
Her friends were her family
Her family went unnumbered
For with a smile she won strangers
And called them her neighbors
A Mess of Words Dec 2020
The man I am and

The one I should have been

Often meet

At a broken mirror.
A Mess of Words Aug 2020
You can never
Lure me with lipstick

But a gentle gaze
Leads me astray
A Mess of Words May 2019
Street markets bustle
Long after dark.

Vendors offer sweet
Moments of satisfaction.

Hundreds of voices call
In a language I do not know.

In this new wild world
I have found home.
A Mess of Words Aug 2020
She smiled like April

Breaking out of winter gloom;

She laughed with the fervor

Of a sudden shower in June.
For K, beautiful in a hundred ways.
A Mess of Words Nov 2018
How often still

You slip between

My restless thoughts

And fitful sleep

And how it is

Your lips belie

The promises of which

They sigh
A Mess of Words Jan 2021
Winter woodsmoke:

Magic in its way;

For a deep breath

And I’m carried far away.
A Mess of Words Jan 2021
I catch her modest glance
As she scans for mistletoe.

And upon its discovery
She quietly strays below;

Gentle eyes fall on me, and,
Drawn by that coy smile,

We meet beneath the greenery
To linger there a while.
A Mess of Words Jun 2020
Mourn with those who mourn.

How plain.

How right.

For my tears are not meant

To be hoarded and spent

Only on my own heavy sorrow.

And I am not to borrow

The troubles of tomorrow,

For today's are dreadful enough.
A Mess of Words May 2020
You were the one

I needed;

More than all the fanfare:

The lyrical beat,

Some empty engagement,

Some puffed up promise.

You were the one

I needed.

So I find myself


Come the end.
Another weak and weary work, for her
A Mess of Words Feb 2014
Her laughter has

worked its way

in between my heartbeats
A Mess of Words Oct 2013
the empty tree branches

reach out for the moon

as miserly fingers

straining for a doubloon
A Mess of Words Apr 2019
Her whispers tingle at my ear

As she plants seeds of expectation.

Thus I draw her in to a night

Of pleasure, and culmination.
A Mess of Words Jun 2020
I am ****** into


Silently screaming,

Furiously shaking.

I am far too old

To remember night fear;

Yet wake terribly quaking,

And am left right here.
i dread tonight, and this is not a farce
A Mess of Words Sep 2013
Everything’s a number now
Every year and date
Counting them on my fingertips
Wondering how long I must wait

Please rate your experience
On a scale from one to ten
Another day has ticked away
The clock’s reset again

And money slips in slowly
In increments so small
While bills with higher numbers
Make me wonder if I got paid at all

Everything’s a number
Except for you or me
See, we’ve got a breath within us
That’s more than binary
A Mess of Words Dec 2020
A small parcel
Rambled on quietly
Through the national postal service;

A small box
Wrapped up in brown butcher paper and
Endorsed with a secret
Fictive script;
A singular word
Yet to be relearned.

So I laid it gently
Beneath the lit Christmas tree
And found myself
In a wakeful dream
Wandering slow beneath the scattered flakes
Breaking past the pines

A Mess of Words Sep 2021
A heady brew of espresso

Mingles with the dewy air,

Buttery pain au chocolat

Makes for quite a pair;

The morning warms to the songs

Of the chipper moineau,

And lovers beneath the columns

Of Parc Monceau.
A work in progress
A Mess of Words Aug 2019
I feel autumn on the breeze
Summer has gotten away from me
The hospital now like a second home
And as such, I also leave it alone
A Mess of Words Aug 2020
In pursuit

          of perfection,

Seldom have I

          also seen success.
striving for perfection 10w
A Mess of Words Jun 2020

Grant me

Cold rain upon my neck,

And petrichor

Within my deep breaths.
Longing for home
A Mess of Words Sep 2019

I saw your smile tonight
That real

So much more
Than those counterfeits you
Spent on me

How often you torment me
How appropriate
Since that day you determined
You now must hate me
A Mess of Words Jun 2021
Not by the number of lines,

Not for any adequate rhyme,

Not by the amount of works read,

Simply by the life I've led.
A Mess of Words Jan 2021
I find every hour or so

Words bursting in my head

As corn kernels agitated;

And greedily

I scoop up all I can,

Though the result is often

A mess of burned buttery bunk.
A Mess of Words Mar 2021
I have ears...


Please let me hear.
This is not a poem, it is a plea.
A Mess of Words Nov 2018
You were,
to me,
more heady
than the finest wines of France.

You were,
to me,
an unexpected innocence.
What more need be said?
A Mess of Words May 2020
My heart now heavy as stone

and it seems to me

come judgment day

I shall crawl all that way

with it shackled to my ankle

and yet ever be alone
A Mess of Words Nov 2019
We might have
laughed our way into age,
growing older,

we parted,
while yet young
and thin
and proud.
A Mess of Words Oct 2020
Your thighs

As golden Caribbean beaches,

And my lips:

A Mess of Words Oct 2018
I can feel my heart
beating against its cage
like a couple missionaries
dressed and pressed
at my door on Saturday
eager to explain to me
the queue into heaven and say
nothing of God

it's night
or morning?
Some muted twilight
seeping through the shades
in a season between the
wholesome seasons
where it's too hot for closed windows
too cold for open ones

I have to measure my
fingers against the bottle
having long stopped counting
the drinks that are downed

I remember you
a bit
the best parts of our
scant fifty-two together

that night
maybe amid the seasons
where the clock sets
all wrong against the
charcoal skies,
but that night,
you bit me

I still feel it pulsing,
electric in my veins

abandon caution
the moment I began my trespass
the way you meticulously attacked
every sense I knew

peeling away all these
unnecessary layers
as the shadows were already
heavy enough
but peeling away
every apprehension
simply to press against you
and let, like butter,

my tongue melt

on your tender skin
A Mess of Words Jul 2021
It is a lonely thing
To start on down the street
When every sign or word said
I cannot read or speak;

The sinking sun there
Mixing high
Shades of dandelion,
Tangerine, and redeye;

And, that, last said,
When I amble home,
I pour over ice
And drink alone.
redeye is a term for whisky
A Mess of Words Jul 2021
Oregon in winter

With patchwork fields

Of green and gold.

Woodsmoke lingers;

Memory bursts in;

And maybe it’s okay

To be growing old.
Days long past that can’t come back
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