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227 · Aug 2018
7:03 a.m
Lvice Aug 2018
I only see
The good in people
Because what else could
There be to see?
226 · Aug 2018
Barely bareable
Lvice Aug 2018
My body is
Finally getting me
Back for all the things
I have ever put it through
225 · Jul 2016
Lvice Jul 2016
I've grown distant
And so have you
But we're both happy
That's something new.

I said I was sad..
So we both held on..
Now that we're happy
Our anchor is gone.
Lately we've both been distant,we don't know why. We're both h a p p y
But I suggested that when you're s a d you need something to hold on to.
So when you're h a p p y
It feels okay to let g o.
225 · Jul 2017
She Is
Lvice Jul 2017
fresh air,
and I
forgotten I
had not been
breathing well.

breathes the sunset
back into
and suddenly
things are vivid once again

is the cold
when the sun
and I
have fought until the night.

never thought
that one person could
make the stars seem trivial,
but now I know,
even the stars
wonder about
Our  Thousand-Mile collection is getting full!
Another poem with JAC! His are italicized!
224 · Jan 2018
Lvice Jan 2018
I worry about you
When I can't hear your voice
And even more when I do hear it.

I worry about you
When the silence stares me in the face,
And especially when you fall apart.

I worry about you love,
When we don't sleep together
And you haven't checked my messages

My god I worry about you so much
That if I didn't I might as well
Do what I promised you I never would

I would let myself fall apart
And let myself be sad
I would let myself be unhappy-

Over someone I love so much
That when we don't talk I feel less full.
Somehow I feel less myself

Sometimes I worry about how it would feel if you ever left...
But mostly I worry that you worry about me the same
Lvice Jul 2017
aren't       you
      when             you're

222 · Jul 2017
12:41 a.m
Lvice Jul 2017
She says
your name
As she
doesn't sleep
222 · Sep 2018
9:53 p.m
Lvice Sep 2018
My love for you
Is felt through
My trembling
221 · Jul 2017
Prelude to Home
Lvice Jul 2017
A Thousand-Mile Poem with JAC

I've only ever
lived here
Unless you count
the dozens of
people I've ever called home.

*But then again,
Leaves you.
The Poet JAC's work is in italics!!!
220 · May 2017
Not today..
Lvice May 2017
I imagine somewhere in the future
there will be a girl
who knows how to pay the bills
and where exactly she wants to be
Who she wants to be

One day she'll be stronger and confident
This girl will be open to new possibilities and
firm in her beliefs
She will still question but no longer
be afraid to hear the answers

But today..she is still learning
Today she is not done growing
She is unsure of if she shall move
or if mountains should be moved
if boundaries should be made
or if they should be crossed

One day she will know
but not today
218 · Aug 2017
"Stay Golden"
Lvice Aug 2017
Hurt me..but you would never..
You say you love me..
Why don't you show me anymore?.
218 · Aug 2017
9:19 p.m
Lvice Aug 2017
Would we
know it
If we ever
felt it?..
218 · Oct 2018
Adam and Eve
Lvice Oct 2018
I have loved you
Since Adam gave
His rib to Eve

Since you have shared
Part of your very being
To be with me.
217 · Dec 2017
8:07 p.m.
Lvice Dec 2017
You're right
I'm sorry
Lvice Jul 2017
Do your hands
always smell like ink?
Do they always
hold what made them leave?
He used to call her a sunset in the summer
he no longer knows her.
And he, was just
Some guy from Minnesota.
216 · Jul 2017
Another Hopeful
Lvice Jul 2017
I don't
the last time
I wanted a girl
to notice me like
the last time that she
complimented my smirk.
For this beautiful girl with almond eyes
216 · Sep 2017
Where did you go?
Lvice Sep 2017
The vines that always grow
Are cut.
They seep water
Like my mouth does words.
They stem from impossible
The vines are cut,
And she noticed
My scars
But did not ask.
The vines
Will never tell.
Lvice Aug 2017
These men
Who think
They come first
There is no choice in love
Only the option to keep going
215 · Jan 2018
10:43 p.m
Lvice Jan 2018
Small moments
Of grief break
The happiness
I had to beg myself
To feel
Lvice Sep 2017
Why do we worry?-
When all that matters
Is the sun
Burning up in the sky
Lvice Jul 2017
Her virginity
Was a flower
You plucked her girlhood
And put it in a vase
By her bed

Reminded her
a woman's role was to love
Support the growth
of the flower
that you picked

Made sure
that she'd water it
But wouldn't dare
to do it yourself

Dug the lily
from dirt with two

of its beauty
But what about
how it grows?
Mama said all men are the same.
Show her she may not be right.
214 · Sep 2018
Sincerity Part II
Lvice Sep 2018
You have
Hurt me in ways
Deeper than my real
Father could

You said the words
But they were heavy
And empty
213 · Sep 2018
Lvice Sep 2018
The rain is pouring,
And even after all the pain
We have endured
We have not yet become invincible.
211 · Aug 2018
The Lines I couldn't follow
Lvice Aug 2018
I couldn't tell you why I'm
holding the globe like
a crystal ball, it
could never tell me where you are,
and I'm not that type of gypsy.
211 · Sep 2017
Lvice Sep 2017
This place for
me and you

Where who we
are is the truth

Ever wonder where
we've been?.

Or if our parents
Will forgive us

Thinking a lot of life
And if we're born

To leave our home
And find our own
I love you so much ♡
210 · Oct 2017
6:11 p.m
Lvice Oct 2017
spinning faster
and I look for you
does she question
my motive for leaving?

the roads
hold a home
for us, somewhere
hundreds of miles away;

somewhere safe
from ignorance,
beautiful and cold.
209 · Oct 2018
Lvice Oct 2018
I have lived
In such a way
The trees tremble
When I water
Them with grace.

I have loved
with such passion
That those who
Have not shudder
When met with my gaze.
209 · Sep 2017
Lvice Sep 2017
Is it possible
To miss someone
You've never met?
208 · Jul 2017
2:12 p.m
Lvice Jul 2017
it shouldn't be,
but love is all about
208 · Nov 2016
You never did tell me.
Lvice Nov 2016
And my God have I accepted that there is a truth and I do not have it.
207 · Aug 2018
Wednesdays and Honey
Lvice Aug 2018
How dare
You lay there and be
So peaceful
206 · Aug 2017
"Life is Weird"
Lvice Aug 2017
And someone
I didn't know
Taught me more
About how to be
Thank you bubba♡
206 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
I hear
Your heart
Beat like
Waves crashing
In a
Sea shell

I watch
You break
Like the
Sea tide
204 · Jun 2019
Sick and Tired and Ready
Lvice Jun 2019
I swear to ******* God
I love him so much and yet sometimes
I think I’m ready to leave him
204 · Feb 2018
Finish it
Lvice Feb 2018
I hope they
never look
quite the same
as you
204 · Aug 2017
Maybe Cupid didn't Miss
Lvice Aug 2017
Plays with my hair
Plays with the fire
Of my soul
Asks me to kiss his burns
Continues to reach
Into my soul
She is fire
And he loves it
203 · Feb 2018
And my room, quieter.
Lvice Feb 2018
The stars have been a little brighter,
The night doesn't look as dark as it does blue.
I stop sleeping with a light on,
In fact I sleep more often because I'd rather sleep than anything else, they aren't just naps anymore.
I stopped telling people I don't trust how I really feel and they begin to be answered in short.
Close doesn't seem enough to want to be close to anyone
He doesn't answer back as fast or want to confide
I don't want to push,
I want to breath.
Clothes are a little looser than before, and eating meat is eating too heavy.
They don't call much
202 · Jun 2017
Kepler 444
Lvice Jun 2017

                    are                       so young                  
     compared                            to the
            Earth.                           And Earth  
           is still                               a      
202 · Aug 2017
Let's be Honest
Lvice Aug 2017
Let's be Honest
We aren't perfect
Let us accept our flaws
And not call them
Anything more than
What they are

Do not call me
By anything other
Than who I am
I am not Godly
I am only human
With some magic
In my words

I'm not all that beautiful
But my personality..
That'll catch you.
I won't lie to you
But sometimes I lie to myself.

I have bad days..
We all do.
But I won't pretend to be happy
And let you see a smile
That isn't real.

I will tell you how I feel
Let us be..honest.  
With each other
Because sometimes it's all we are.
We are creatures of emotion
Let us bear it only
If we want to, and I am.
I'm not hopeless.

Just a little scared
But let's be honest..
We're all a little unprepared.
201 · Aug 2017
More pointless thoughts
Lvice Aug 2017
I'm not an Angel
I'm just trying
To grow some wings,
Wanna get away
While the the skies
Are still clear.
199 · Jul 2017
Please Don't Quit On Me
Lvice Jul 2017
I just keep saying to breathe
And I'm not sure of who
I'm telling it to anymore

I keep telling them to breathe
Breathe because you're falling apart
Breathe so you can't quit.

Please don't quit on me
This is why I can't breathe
Don't quit on me

I can't quit breathing
Because if I do
I'll be losing the only thing I've ever done steadily
199 · May 2017
12:28 a.m
Lvice May 2017
Hands that shake
against some  hardwood floor
and you don't know
if you can trust yourself anymore
You're holding on
and your knuckles are white
arms with bumps
and pale face almost blue
what do you do
when you don't know
what anymore?
199 · Oct 2018
Lvice Oct 2018
I want to be hunted
I want to be what gets your heart racing

The thrill of giving yourself
Up to something that you don't want to control.

Tell me why I ache to be eaten alive
To be licked clean and turned inside out, making sure there is nothing left of me but a smile and a heap on the floor.

I want to be ravaged..picked apart by teeth and fingers careful to not miss a thing..
199 · Oct 2017
8:57 p.m
Lvice Oct 2017
you say to me
in all honesty i'm sure
there is no reason to worry
but you haven't been searching
your whole life for a reason to run
198 · Nov 2018
To my Father
Lvice Nov 2018
Manhood stood
In the shoes of a man
Who loved me when you didn't have the courage to.

When he swallowed glue and patched up the cracks in the dam that held my
Tears back when you let the rivers flow.

Feelings don't drown easy for foreigners, he knows that. Being an immigrant to being a father you should have understood that when you stole the love I had for you and left.

He paid for my sadness and didn't even flinch when I mentioned the taxes on me, all the baggage I had to bring. He paid off the debt you left to me and put the extra carry ons in the closet.

The title belongs to the man who didn't have to ask for it. Who didn't beg me for forgiveness but made up for it by not betraying my loyalty.

King is the man who loves everything he was given and soldier is the man who defends it. Father is the man who was proud enough that when I fell kneeled next to me.

Manhood stood in the shoes of a man who earned the love of someone who doesn't easily give it.
198 · Mar 2017
For the other half I had
Lvice Mar 2017
They say the friends who build you up
Are the ones who are supposed to stay
But it turns out once you make them a wall
They'll quickly be on their merry way

But you're stuck between the doorway
Because you fell halfway through
And the person who used to pick you up
Is now the laughter that mocks you

Just like I cried over you once because the thought of losing you drove me to the edge and I couldn't bear to be standing on the edge of some mountain where we'd once stood together

And then it was just me..looking up at the view of the tallest person I'd ever met alone
Not knowing how to take it and I wish you would have showed me how
You were the sister with every answer
And a lyric for every song
You had the courage to just say let it be
And I did not
But thank you for bringing me short lived peace..
And now I have love
And really that's all  you need
196 · Oct 2017
Vader II
Lvice Oct 2017
You choose to love me,
When he chose to leave.

I hope you can forgive me,
When I get mad at a Father who

Created me and left,
And sometimes at my mother,

Who had to be a Father too,
And raise me for the both of you.

You kissed me on the forehead
And told me you'd be home soon.

You came back to me once again,
And all he did was leave
And I love you too!!!!
194 · Aug 2017
He hates being called "B"
Lvice Aug 2017
I learned more
About myself from the guys
Who never gave themselves
The chance to break my heart
194 · Nov 2017
7:09 p.m
Lvice Nov 2017
Just tell me
What is the truth
For you and I'll listen,

Without judgement.
Without getting mad,
Or letting your hardness

Rub off on me.
I am soft...
I am made to be comfortable
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