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193 · Sep 2017
Forever and the Idea
Lvice Sep 2017
She just turned 40,
And I wonder if her
5 year old self
Would love the person she became.
God knows I do.
192 · Jan 2018
Things that make me happy
Lvice Jan 2018
Is so
Of life
192 · Aug 2017
Monday morning
Lvice Aug 2017
You whisper to me
From somewhere I'm not.
I think of you
Wherever you are.

I hope you're okay,
Yes, I'm well.
But I hope that
You're happy and safe.
191 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
There is something
So safe
About a road
You've never been on
190 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
Please                                  Do not stare
              Don't look at me
Please                       Do not reach for me
           Leave my hand be
Please                     Not this kind of love
          I don't want this
Please                    Just leave me
190 · Aug 2017
"People Change"
Lvice Aug 2017
I never
Got to know you
You're not who
I thought you were.
189 · Dec 2017
He left, too.
Lvice Dec 2017
His presence brings you peace,
Allows you to sleep, but what
Has he done for you that
You haven't already done for yourself?
189 · Nov 2018
Lvice Nov 2018
She must be mad
     The girl draws bees-
         The hive for days
              And traded her heart for

Honeycomb sweet
   Poor girl too light on her feet
     Crazy sad girl
         She's following the bees
189 · Oct 2017
Lvice Oct 2017
Pieces of each other everywhere,
His hands on the bed
He left his head in the shower
And his heart is still in the sink.

Little things with you..
Waking up, arms still around my shoulders and love on my sleeves.
Leaves his words on my cheek
With a kiss

"Baby I love you.."
The first part to many♡
189 · Oct 2016
Lvice Oct 2016
Poets are supposed to be deep
And I am stuck in a rut.
Lvice Sep 2018
The most intimate
Thing I have ever felt was
The sharing of prayers.

The happiness and well being
Of each other  a common
Wish between us.

I've never felt
So close to you my
Dear one.
188 · Oct 2018
10:02 p.m
Lvice Oct 2018
Kiss me like gunpowder
And hold me like a trigger,
you pull regret from
My tongue and smooth defiance
Down my spine.

I wish to be the
Very thing that you crave
To pierce your chest, to be
The strength of will
You need to fight your sleep.

To be the warmth
Of friction after you ask
God for his forgiveness..
To be weapon and woman
Lvice Oct 2018
You and I
We will live in
This place,
The space between
Heaven and Earth.
Where I've only
Met you God's handful
Of times
And everyone
Would probably
Speak in Shakespearean
Ryhmes, and love would
Pave the sky.
188 · Apr 2020
Lvice Apr 2020
When does it start to be abuse?
Lvice Aug 2017
If you wouldn't
Take the Sun for granted
Do not take Me for

But you forget
Who brings you Warmth
Don't you?..
187 · Jul 2017
1:16 a.m
Lvice Jul 2017
She fell for herself
somewhere between
the late night talks
and embarrassing faces.
187 · Oct 2018
To Seek and Find
Lvice Oct 2018
Lately I have been
Feeling my fire dwindle,
Making life all the more beautiful to me.

Like I have been anticipating this, waiting on the edge of my seat in gold for my chest
To no longer rise.

Just today the sun bathed me in such a light I'd never seen, it had made me smile in a way I'd never have before and before I turned away, I told my friends goodbye and held my hands out to them.

I'd been seeking for some kind of peace and feeling this warmth take me over made me realize that there is something waiting for me

Just as I am waiting for it.
185 · Aug 2017
Self-Love through the Vines
Lvice Aug 2017
Take care
Of yourself,  
You Queen
184 · Sep 2017
Lvice Sep 2017
I love you
Like I love the clouds
like looking up,
And knowing you'll be there
Even through the rain
183 · Aug 2016
Who again?...
Lvice Aug 2016
I don't remember who you are
You've knocked three times
Instead of coming strait in
****..I thought we were closer than that.

I don't recognize the mask you wear
That shields your eyes from mine.
I can see your darting eyes
Taking in the new person I am.
You don't seem surprised...

But I am...who are you?..
I don't see the honest person
When you're feeding me with lies
I can't read the words you say
When your lip gloss kisses them out

Your dangling ear rings must have caught
The secrets I tried to tell you
Because so far you haven't heard a thing
I whispered in faith..

Can I trust you anymore...
**** where'd you go?
Yeah you're still silly!
But you act like I'm a joke

You've never laughed so hard at me before
The worst part is...
I wasn't making any jokes...
I'm sorry guys...please forgive my vent session.. just going through some things :)
183 · Jul 2017
Tape and Glue
Lvice Jul 2017
Better get
The duct tape
Before my heart
Leaps out
Of my chest
183 · Sep 2018
The Sun's Children
Lvice Sep 2018
I whisper my prayers
To the Sun's children
Of love and kindness
And tell them about the strength
That he gives to me.

They have all grown
In peace and every day
They blossom towards
The warmth of my words to
182 · Aug 2017
The Sun and the Stars
Lvice Aug 2017
We do flips over the sun
And pray to land
On our feet

Stars on a flag
But they don't mean
Anything to me

I look up and they're there,
Sad as can be, and
Hoping that somebody  will see
182 · Jan 2018
How to Decide
Lvice Jan 2018
You do what
you have to.
Even though part
of you dies a little
182 · Mar 2017
Lvice Mar 2017
there are nights when your brain is static
And the only words you can mutter are self pitying
And human connection feels lost
The station of your words is weak
And you want to curl up and become antic like the records you love so much
Like the typewriter you value for print
But can no longer use
Until you collect dust in your lungs
Until your ribs are rusted
Until you are fossil fuel
Until you become recycled paper
In someone's printer
181 · Jan 2018
Forgetful and Favorable
Lvice Jan 2018
I wonder if the
Stars can read my
Lips when I pray
To them from my window
Lvice Sep 2018
I wish I could
Be indifferent to you,

But my anger rises like smoke
And you are the center of what

Always drove me to the brink
Of leaving my home.
To leave the thing that has loved you
179 · Apr 2020
Shared Grief
Lvice Apr 2020
One will always experience what the other does in
some strange, guilty way
179 · Aug 2017
Ich Liebe Dich
Lvice Aug 2017
I tell you
But I don't know what
I really mean by that
179 · Dec 2017
Heartbreak is Hopeful
Lvice Dec 2017
I can't help but
Be thankful it didn't work out
178 · Jul 2017
12:53 a.m
Lvice Jul 2017
did love
A means
Perfect torture?
176 · Oct 2018
Daylight Thoughts
Lvice Oct 2018
I'd like to live
Between the blades
Of grass

To collect the dew
On my legs
In the mornings

For spiders to use me
To steady their webs with
Nimble limbs.

For young girls
to play with as they
Sit cross legged in their yard

To grow and be taken
For granted and to become
Aerial when she does cartwheels and gets me in her hair

To be green and sit under
The sun and withstand the rain
176 · Oct 2018
Lvice Oct 2018
She knows
You are controlling.
You only get
What she allows
you to have.
176 · Aug 2018
No vines, no sun, no breeze
Lvice Aug 2018
I resent
The window for
Being more open then me
176 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
23 cracks in her stone skin of opal
176 · Oct 2017
9:20 p.m
Lvice Oct 2017
i feel
like the glass spilled
with nothing inside
the mess that needs cleaning
but not a piece out of place to even show it
so many pieces
but none of them fit quite right
the skeleton without the backbone
under the bed
already out from the closet
175 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
When the
petals fall,
does the stem
fade too?
175 · Jan 2018
Bad Things
Lvice Jan 2018
Stop getting so
this is when
you let yourself
175 · Jan 2018
Evening things
Lvice Jan 2018
I love chaotic
Each bit of me
More unmanageable
Than the rest
Lvice Jul 2017
She begins
to stare out the windows
of every place she goes
She slept a few nights in a stranger's home

Looked out his window
And begged the sun to stay
She wished for the morning to
breathe through the lights again

The nights became empty again
She fell in love with a stranger's room
The way she could breathe so easily
and talk so clumsily to herself

Closed the door and didn't
feel like locking it
She didn't have to lock herself in
to feel okay
175 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
Boys and girls
Say they don't have a place
In this world.
They were born into it
Without question.
Does the Earth
Ever wonder about
Its existence?
Or just
174 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
I grew up too fast
And now I want to fall in love slowly
174 · Jul 2017
It hurts so badly
Lvice Jul 2017
Sie beobachtet manchmal ihre Mutter rauchen und versuchen, in ein Koma zu trinken und manchmal
Sie will das selbe machen
Um diesen Schmerz loszuwerden
Aber sie weiß es besser
Why did I have to go and be so stupid??
174 · Feb 2018
Lvice Feb 2018
I am
Always there, but
Where were
174 · Aug 2017
it isn't
Lvice Aug 2017
Some people,
Are angelic. Graceful. Godly.
They are otherworldly
In their beauty

And others
They are hell and heaven
On Earth
Imperfect and rough
Around the edges
With witchcraft
Under their skin
173 · Jul 2017
This Afternoon
Lvice Jul 2017
I ran
without looking back
my spirits were lifted-
the heaviest weights
I ever held.

I almost fell backwards
but my spotter held me
he said to me
*Don't ever worry,
I have you.
I won't ever let you fall.
173 · Jun 2017
"Little girl"
Lvice Jun 2017
All of this life it has been-
"she's too young to know what's good for her, you know"
Ah and she should be off with her friends! Having fun, laughing! Go on and play, dear!
But she has been listening in
She has got this heart you see,
Old soul they say
But young enough to know this
and her parents say too young to act like it
It's all this little girl wants is to be her own age
Laugh, joke around, with her real friends
Act her age, because she's old with a young face
Crow's feet when she smiles
Hands that shake when she's got emotion
Little girl is old enough to know what she wants, and still knows
what is GOOD for her
Knows what is safe
and young enough to not care anyway
171 · Jul 2018
Lvice Jul 2018
I let myself
Slip away
169 · Aug 2017
My God the Sun
Lvice Aug 2017
He doesn't rise
With my Sun
But when he does
He is light all on
His own
Haha a possible other series♡
169 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
Maybe fate
is a woman
and that's why
we bury the dead
with flowers
Specifically roses.
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