I’m only your convenient thing I’m your afterthought You call when you’re bored I race to your beck and call My heart mistakes the physicality for romance My head knows it means nothing to you
It’s so hard seeing you four days in a row Pretending like nothing is happening Pretending I don’t know what you taste like Pretending I haven’t felt your weight on me Pretending you never held my hand Pretending the looks you give me don’t hold any special meaning I want to see you on the other three days Just once Take pity on me Just once I need you to want to see me
This feeling is what I stay alive for You and me, in the backseat, laughing, listening to music So simple So euphoric to me And then, Sealing our goodbye with real life hugs and kisses
You are the last thought in my head before I drift to sleep You are there in my dreams, with your smile that makes my knees weak You are my first thought as my eyes flutter open
Last night marks the second time I’ve dreamt about us kissing What does it mean? I thought I wanted someone else Is my soul not intertwined with his? I’m terrified to love again I can’t Maybe just in dreams...