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Marie L Feb 2015
A flower will grow tall, whither and die
A light feathered bird will not forever fly
A body will be enveloped in dirt
It will decay and many will be hurt
Those people will pass too
Death is something we all run into
The stars will explode
Or whatever they do in the end, implode?
  Feb 2015 Marie L
I was your Cure,
You were my Disease,

I was saving  you,
You were killing  **me.
Marie L Feb 2015
I like to sit in an unlit room,
Looking out at the ominous rain filled sky.
I long to go outside,
And feel the tear drops of the clouds.
For I know what it's like.
To be unable to stop tears from falling.
I wish I could comfort them,
Those bereaved morbid clouds.
  Feb 2015 Marie L
Dorothy Parker
Helen of Troy had a wandering glance;
Sappho's restriction was only the sky;
Ninon was ever the chatter of France;
But oh, what a good girl am I!
Marie L Feb 2015
We sit there and we wonder
What the hell are we doing
What is the point to this life
Why am I still moving
Time doesn't stop
It goes it's own pace
It punishes us
In so many different ways
It slows when we need it to quicken
It quickens when we need it to slow
The time is always ticking
Watching our silly little show
We're stuck here
Whatever here is
I'm stuck here
This deep dark abyss
Marie L Feb 2015
Are all I see
As I stare into nothing
Waiting for answers to come to me
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