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Wuji Oct 2014
Got all these friends but I just want a girl.
Someone to **** someone to be my world.

But I know when the other comes one will go.
I'll be left with the latter and want the other back so.

I'm so happy right now but I never felt so alone.
Where is the special one to take me away from all I know.

I 'm not alright but having the best time.
I want to be something to someone and can't get them off my mind.

****, I know I'm not doing too great.
But is it so much to ask for a ******* date?

The most pathetic thing is though, I'll be sad when I leave.
No more times with all the girls and guys who are my family.
The things we do for love. -Courage
Wuji Oct 2014
We were the same,
Crazy but tame.
Took nothing to numb our pain,
We ran through the rain.

But we crashed.

You now have guy,
Who gets drunk and high.
You love him and although you are losing time,
You've got this sorta mirror where you can hide.

But I know that you will crash.

Met a girl from around here,
She somewhat reminds me or you my dear.
Except, like that trash that you surely don't fear,
She been on drugs and happiness for years.

But I know that we too will crash.

See the irony? Because it's blinding me,
We split apart to find the same missing piece.
One that does all the stuff we don't allow ourselves to seize.
A guide to the fun chaotic college life that we both think we need.

But we both know we will crash together.
I think she is just so neat.
Wuji Oct 2014
I'm proud to be a narcissist,
Because during times like these,
More people hates themselves,
As they get down on their knees.
Few appreciates the strength.
That comes from inside.
Many of them lie weakly down, beaten by life,
While some like me enjoy the ride.
They all predict,
The same simple idea.
That life will kick in in the ***,
And kicks harder each year.
We say **** that notion,
You gotta kick back twice as hard.
We're completely full of ourselves,
We know who we are.
Make it so.
Wuji Oct 2014
This smile will not fade away,
As long as he walks the streets.
No friend nor stranger will be left astray,
Surrounded by ugly faces on bags of meat.

There is a smile in the crowd,
And I'm told it cracks eggs.
Happiest guy around,
Got that happy feet step going through his legs.

They call him crazy,
What keeps him happy all the time?
He tells them he's not lazy,
He's got a very important job and no time to whine.

He's a lighthouse, a beacon, the firework that doesn't stop.
Until he's out of sight,
And the fuse has run all out.
He breaks down and starts to rot,
Till the next day when he's back out on the clock.

Takes his job serious,
Knows what is at stake.
People need some sunshine,
But no one gives they all just take.

So he's gotta be that guy,
Needs to lead the team.
Make everyone feel high,
His problems go unseen.

Heard he was a nut,
Caught him talking to himself.
Swore he was fine,
Then bolted somewhere else.

He's a lighthouse, a beacon, the firework that doesn't stop.
Until he's out of sight,
And the fuse has run all out.
He breaks down and starts to rot,
Till the next day when he's back out on the clock.

Guess the lesson is,
He smiles for all of us.
Guy has some big problems,
But it's our happiness that's a must.
Maybe that's why I can't connect with people.
Wuji Oct 2014
No one knows anyone else.
We've barely met ourselves.
We're so young and undeveloped,
But we think we know enough.

Nobody can see the true struggle behind a smile.
And ******* if you think you got it worse.
We are have pain and little things,
That breed beneath our skin at the source.

He has been there, She had that
Guess what, you have no idea.
I bet everyone around you has felt that way.
They just don't brag about how they feel.

You can be happy and a mess all at the same time.
You can be sad but put together all your thoughts aligned.
But no one can really know how you feel,
Who can define fake, who assigns things as real?

Look at him smile, look at her laugh,
Can't you see the light in their eyes?
You don't have a ******* clue what's going on,
Alone in their separate beds they cry.
"You don't know what it's like to be like me, I don't know what it's like to be like you, so we keep our mouths shut." - RBF
Wuji Oct 2014
If I could have a day alone with you,
I know exactly what I'd want to do.
Take you to my dorm and show you my room.
Let you admire my half decent street view.
We'd talk for hours and laugh away the past,
Things would be new and we wouldn't really care if it would last.
We came here for the love and we'd try are best to not take it too fast.
Filling the void we'd stitch up the gap no matter how vast.
I'd put my arms around you again,
Hold you tight to me my old close friend.
Not really sure what kind of signals you'd want to send.
I'd smile that big smile, I knew we didn't break up it was just a bend.
Sit you down on my bed I swear you aren't being used.
Wouldn't believe that we've returned after being set loose.
Now though, we would be there home together in our roost.
A spark in the fire would erupt, "Want to listen to some Muse?"
I'd love to have that day with you.

"But now I have finally seen the end.
And I'm not expecting you to care.
But I have finally seen the light.
I have finally realized.
I need your love.
Come to me,
Just in a dream.
Come on and rescue me.
Yes I know, I can't be wrong,
And baby, you're too headstrong.
Our love is madness." - Muse
Wuji Oct 2014
Those chicks with the freaky brains.
The girls who dig pain.
Woman that dance in rain.
Broads who I can point out and name.

They all live cooped up.
Like to stay in their tree house.
So I find myself in there.
Looking for the rat among the mouse.

Plenty of them there.
Love the short hair.
Get lost into their violent stares.
I have a type, who cares?

I get inside the tower next door.
They all look at me intrigued.
Some want to ****.
Others just want me for the money.

I show them that I can tame.
Invite them to play a game.
It all feels the same.
Back in the tree house again.
The security guard remembers me by name.
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