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Wuji Sep 2014
Busy people passing me by,
Some decide to talk, some stare and watch.
Others give me numbers and say they'll call.
Out there every night office hours ranging from 7 to 3
Find me with my cat named "*****" or on my bench surrounded by trees.
Just that guy out there practicing,
Look forward to the fresh air and fresh faces everyday.
Surprising everyone each night with their own name,
While they excuse themselves for forgetting mine.

Those school nights so calm,
Not a car in the city.
The occasional smoker will join us.
Those weekend nights so busy,
Everyone smiling having a good time.
An assortment of drunks and degenerates crowd us.
But no matter what night it is,
Get the chance to have the unique pleasure,
Of experiencing heartbreak again and again.

Making all these friends,
Like to think that it out weighs,
Any lost sleep or  internal pain.
But every night ends the same.
Back to my bed with a smile,
And a head full of names.
The people you meet, it's crazy.
Wuji Sep 2014
Two headed snake,
Different venoms.
One will bite the other and they will both die.

Who strikes first?
Whose fangs hurts more?
Why even wonder, they'll both expire.

Patterns on them,
Change and clash,
But I predict the older half is the wickeder of the two.

Strike down the young,
Shed away the dead weight.
A deserted bag of hollow skin awaits a new tenet.

What a story to be,
To return to an old husk,
Make myself home again and settle before dusk.
She isn't worse than him, she can't be.
Wuji Sep 2014
An easy bet to win,
Is to side with the decay of time.

I know you'll melt away,
But the clock is equally harsh to me.

For it makes me wait,
Day by weeks by months.

Till the day I collect my winnings,
The day you crumble beneath the clock.

Tick tock,
Decay away.
Sad to see it's right more than twice a day,
Cause we all fade away.
Time weakens or strengths and I fear I've succumbed to the latter.
Wuji Sep 2014
In my head,
Make me happy.
That's what they,
Seem to think.

I do not,
Why they can't,
Just be happy.
I'll take lead.

I believe,
That they are,
Far from right.
No science,
It's pure will.

Let's call it.
We all have,
Some in us,
Focus it.

Create life,
Make your own,
It's easy.
Follow me.

I can teach,
You the ways.
You'll smile,
Start right now.
I refuse to believe that I have to thank chance for why I am who I am. I made myself.
Wuji Sep 2014
"I'm very happy with him, I really am."

Oh I've heard that one before,
Honestly you saying that is just foreshadowing,
The first knocks on the door.

Last time you told me that,
You left your mate in months.
Always slipping away you little rat.

Don't you find it odd,
That you don't consider him a true friend?
You and I were best ones remember, or you may have forgot.

I just think to the look in your eyes,
When we walked our separate ways.
Even if you sunk them deep your feelings can't hide.

I know you want to play.
You know it deep down.
Wuji Sep 2014
You know what?

I'm better because I'm crazy.
Isn't that simple to see?
You'll never get that same psychotic grin,
That you always get from me.
Remember the look in my eyes,
The blood and the tears?
All those ****** up times,
We've shared throughout the years?
Those violent encounters,
With our other sides.
Pinned you to the bed and sunk teeth in deep,
I hope you know that was never a lie.
It must be apparent that I'd love to rip you to shreds,
In that old loving way.
The fun we'd have again,
The things we'd do if I had you back for a day.
Guess I can't help myself,
I really need to get my fix.
Been to long without screams and pain,
Followed with a tender kiss.
My bed is never made,
I sleep different every night.
Guess I'll just look for someone new,
Until then I write.

Door is open, I know you felt the urge, even the slightest pull. You felt it...
We talked on what would have been 1 year and 7 Months... odd.
Wuji Sep 2014
We're bonding after losing you,
We both really care.
We know you've a rough time,
And want you to know we're there.
Our love for you may be dormant,
But it can still wake up.
Ring the bell, and call us to arms,
Your back is what we've got.
We've seen you twist and change,
Into all these shapes.
You don't need to create forms for us,
We'll take you and soothe your hate.  
We love you,
We'll never really stop.
Me and her know you too well,
Or is that something you forgot?
We're brother and sister, don't mistake that.
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