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Wuji Jan 2013
I don't get birds.

They fly in Vs,
Squawk their needs,
Bother the rich,
Bother the poor,
Looking for nourishment,
Swear they aren't ******.

I don't get birds.

Seem to follow me,
Looking for something,
They will never find.
Stupid birds,
Don't waste your time,
Fly away.

I don't get birds.

Birds mess with your head,
Call out your friends,
Wish you were dead,
Because of all the ****** birds.
You can shoo and say ****,
But it will take more then that.

I don't get birds.

You **** one,
But more come.
Oncoming waves of self destruction,
Where's the fun?
Stop your pestering,
I don't understand any of you.

I don't get birds.
Never will.
Wuji Jan 2013
Such a pretty face coupled with a destructive mind,
Intercepting and interjecting into every thought all the time.
Poor little girl lost everything she once had,
I'm trying to feel something but all I can come up with is mad.
Not sure if I lost it seeing how I never had it,
But I feel a part missing an emptiness that needs fulfillment.
She lost the constant in her life,
And no I'm not talking about her serrated knife.
Her boy, her friend, her only love,
Judging by her reaction I am none of the above.

Weeks or months she waited for the chance,
That she could walk away from her steady romance.
Go see me another animal like her,
*** driven and crazy but a most kind sir.
Alas when the chance finally came around,
She threw all her words away to get back in the same crowd.
All of her promises, her wishes, and her desirers,
I'm the ******* fool for thinking you weren't a liar.
He made you choose and you couldn't decide,
Which makes me your second option? No, goodbye.

No, I refuse to considered less.
No, stop trying to take off your dress.
No, I'm not your ******* pretty boy ***** leave me alone.
No, stop inviting me to your home.
No, I have had enough with these guiltily feeling and dread.  
No, stop trying to get back in my head.
No, I know everything you said was just a lie.
No, you told me you loved me, WHY!?
No, I always knew he was better than me.
No, why would you want to set me free?

Loved you and hated you all at the same time,
Master and slave the tale of an incoherent rhyme.
Is it finally over...?
Wuji Jan 2013
The sand slides down a narrow tube,
Into the pile of my thoughts of you,
Escaping the prison held on high shoulders,
Grains of sand that were once boulders.
We're done, we're finished, but we never started,
I really wish I took back the part,
That you stole from me,
Left a castaway on the beach of needs.

The salt water so satisfying,
All the while I've been dying,
I know I need her so,
But I've been taught that you shouldn't take,
That which isn't yours.

The guilt she feels will **** her fast,
While I lay here crying in dead last,
Finish line so hard to see,
But she swears they'll be a chance for her and me.
I'm sinking down with lower to go,
An anchor tie to pin me to the seafloor,
I'll wait in darkness, hunger and exestuation,
Surround by tape of caution.

The judge says I am crazy,
Told him sanity is such hard work and I am lazy,
I know I need her so,
But I've been taught that you shouldn't take,
That which isn't yours.

Help! I've lost what was never mine,
Who could possibly help me find,
The girl who is in love with another guy,
I would chase but I know that our time,
Has run out.
And I'll lay down in my cage,
Watch you smile from miles away,
Dreaming of the day,

You flip our hourglass.
Broke up with my pretend girlfriend...
Wuji Jan 2013
An answer.
A new year,
A new cancer.

Don't want to change,
Just want to add,
All those things,
I wish I had.

Not looking around,
My life is too cluttered.
Done wasting time,
On every single ******.

Realized that I despise most people and most words,
Everyone's thoughts so irrelevant, I just want her.    

Can make no sense to everyone,
Not supposed to please your mind.
My life style so carless and reckless,
All I can do is smile.

Is there something wrong with me?
I'm sure there is.
Doesn't matter much though,
The doctors wouldn't know where to begin.

A question.
Stop signs,
Are but suggestions.
If you say I'm crazy then I guess I am.
Wuji Jan 2013
All the everything that I have done,
Can't help to feel I have just begun.
Won't claim to great,
As I slowly abate,
Where did this all start?

Entered a room crowded with new faces,
Found a vantage point to asset the strangers.
One stood out,
You shined through dust,
But we were so far apart.

Introductions were given without much thought,
Smiles were shared throughout the year.
And then I realized,
I like you,
You had stole a piece of my heart.

Now we taint each other with lust,
Breaking walls that could have kept you safe.
Can't help myself,
I love her,
Our love for each other is but fleeting art.

This rising action is so transcending,
Though the ****** will come soon.
Then we'll fall away from each other,
And it'll end,
That will be the day we part.
I hope it works out... I really do.
Wuji Jan 2013
Please dear stranger help me out.
I will ****, steal, lie, and beg.
Please dear stranger I have no doubt,
Cut off my ******* leg.

I can't walk away from the pain,
That was manifested inside of me.  
Only drugs and knifes to stab and drain,
Will help me be at peace.

Locked inside my favorite room,
Without the ability to do much.
I'm just sitting here hating you,
And that crap I had for lunch.

O goodie it's pill time,
Better limp my way on up.
My wound is crying slime,
I think it's about to erupt.

Spews blood makes it rain,
Can't feel my leg,
But I know it's in pain.
Please please cut it off I beg.

Cut off my ******* leg.
Pleaseeeeeeeeee it hurts.
Wuji Jan 2013
Did you happen to see that?
***** got hit by a truck.
She's lies on the side of road,
****** and knocked out.
Cautiously I approached,
In fear she would wake up.
Took a bite of her neck,
And deiced that was enough.

Tried to find my way home,
But my thoughts only brought me to her.
Went back to ground zero,
For just another look.
Still there she lay,
Now with her rot and decay.
Surely shes lonely,
I'll invite her to my house.

When I asked she said nothing,
Yet she winced her right eye.
Good enough for me I thought,
As I threw her over my shoulder and cried.
What a pretty girl,
Look how she bleeds.
Not much of talker,
But she's all I need.

Sat her down at my table,
Got her and I a drink.
Two glasses of orange juice,
"How lucky am I" I couldn't help to think.
Growing hungry I asked "What shall we eat?"
There was that wince again, but I swear she whispered "Me."
Jumped over the table, mounted her on the floor,
I tore the flesh off my sweetheart with bloodstained teeth.

Her organs still warm,
Her blood a nice cold contrast.
The frenzy went on.
Till I had nothing left.
A puddle of blood on my floor,
Staining my carpet and heart.
She was a good girl,
Too bad we had to part.
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