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Wuji Jan 2013
It must be nice,
Having someone to look forward to.
A friend to call your own.
Daydreams of perfect afternoons.
You and your friend in a blanket cocoon.

I have I no such visions,
For I have no one to call my own,
Only hoping to catch table scraps.
My moods are seasons at high speeds,
For each change I undertake I require new needs.

I can't even recall such a time,
When I looked forward to someone who is mine.
But still I can't help but to feel fine.
Guess I don't mind the melancholy,
Suits me I find.
Guess I am fine with being fine.
Wuji Dec 2012
Admiration towards the sensation of your body against mine.
Seduced, confused, and begged to be abused I let go of the reigns.
Got down to nothing and asked for something I should have not gave her.
I let her feel me as best as anyone could.

Again, again, I can see the start of trend.
We'll push each others buttons until the buttons come undone.
Some pain, some pleasure, and the sweet kiss of forgiveness.
Don't hate me my dear if I can't play nicely.

We question what we are, and why can't stop.
Animals of desire we never get enough.

I swear I'll stop but don't leave me alone.
He is a madman you know, bites through the bone.
Don't want to be beside myself with him.
The screams he makes make me die to be killed.

Stay here with me, the pain will hold you still.
In my arms, you lay so comfortably, innocent to what is adding up on this bill.
If I steal you away can I smile?
Or am I doomed to be burdened by the thoughts of what if?

I am tortured by my Queen,
Her name is Venus.
You're all I can write about right now...
Wuji Dec 2012
A charming *** toy,
That is all I am to you.
One who will still stay close,
And ******* too.

A charming *** toy,
With good looks and scary eyes.
I'll pleasure you for hours,
But love, I will always deny.

A charming *** toy,
To make you hurt like you do to others.
I'll make you beg for forgiveness,
For touching me under the covers.

A charming *** toy,
For when you feel alone.
Wishing someone would make you pay,
When you don't want to leave your home.

A charming *** toy,
What if you fell for me?
How could it possibly work,
When I will never be there for you like he.

A charming *** toy,
Only I can say no.
Though ******* you my little slave,
Is the only thing I know.

A charming *** toy,
Why should I even feel?
An unemotional psychopath like me,
Should just enjoy the meal.
That really is what I am.
Wuji Dec 2012
My bird and I sit waiting,
A whole back and forth of debating.
He wants out,
He wants to fly.
Poor bird doesn't know,
Fresh air will make him cry.

Hey bird, why not pick at your feed?
I gave you crumbs since you said please.
He starves himself,
But he will always deny.
That ******* bird,
Seems so satisfied.

Listen to me bird! You'll like what I give you.
I know it's not much but it's all I can do!
He is not happy,
Sits swinging sadly sedated!
You know the feed is dated.

Goodbye bird, you did the better thing.
Might have starved to death but now you can feed the king.
Two ways to go and chose to die instead.
Wuji Dec 2012
I'm no beast,
I found peace.
Locked myself up,
To avoid the feast,
Won't eat,
Deserve no such food,
If no one else will punish me,
I'll do it myself.
Don't need you,
I barely need me.
My mind exists outside my body,
I'm free.

I'm an animal,
In search of what I want.
Broke from my cage,
To get what I should have got.
Take what I want,
Scream if I please.
I am the master and slave.
No one will tame me.
I need you,
Because I lost sanity.
I exist for the touch and live for the scream,
I am free.

Follow me!
Through the woods!
Chase the animal,
That you know you could,
Keep yours eyes on the prize,
But a pair to watch your ***.
If you aren't careful,
I'll have you at last.
Came up from behind,
Took you by surprise but you smiled at me.
We are both animals,
We are both free.
Just run.
Wuji Dec 2012
He wanders you know,
He doesn't know where to go.
Aimless fights gravity as he treads around,
Trying to get off the ground.

On day he found a staircase,
He fought it way to top.
Fighting the very force that protects him,
From leaving his Mother Earth.

Reached the top to find a rope,
The battle began again.
Fighting all he knew,
He pushed himself from the land.

Made it to the clouds,
And as he caught his breath,
His shadow grabbed his leg,
Brought him down with a rip.

Back in his place,
Back at his home.
The man cried uncontrollably,
And slowly died alone.
Serves him right.
Wuji Dec 2012
Your anger breeds violence.
Violence creates more violence.
Way to complete the circle.

A rotary of madness,
Once you get inside it's green lights the whole way.
Ring around the rotary,
But you can't have what is not yours to grab.

Trapped falling in the sky,
Parachute made of exceptions.
All the rain drops want to flood the city,
Now how often does that happen?

Keep following me,
Me and and the piece I took from you.
Your puzzle forever unfinished,
Because you'll never find me again.

Can't merge with a crowded road,
Nor the thoughts in my mind.
Distracted words incoherently spew out,
I just hope you get the rhyme.
I sure don't.
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