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  Jul 2017 naǧí
South by Southwest
I'll have no use
for empty rooms
or houses devoid of life

I'll close the door
shake the lock some more
So ends this book
on wife

I'll start over again
just like before
with pennies
for my thoughts

Our love once steel
has turned cast iron at will
and wrought
it's core so full of flaws

It's okay ,
what is there to say
Except that I'll
be moving on
  Jul 2017 naǧí
Melissa S
The light had gone from this woman
Her days now became lonely and dark
She would go to the shoreline
To repair what had been torn apart
She would shout out to the shoreline
O please bring me a new light, a new moon
I am tired of feeling lonely and dark
Will you please bring it to me soon
Just like that the gilded clouds did part
to reveal to her a new moon
Time for this woman to have light again
Time for her to be swooned
This new moon was most welcoming
with his arms open wide
Lit up this beautiful woman again
and brought out the pearl we knew was inside
  Jul 2017 naǧí
Walter W Hoelbling
we have found each other
   across thousands of miles
   across different cultures and traditions
we have found each other
   among seven billion plus people
   on this globe

   finding each other
   was the easiest part

   strangers in the night

   staying together
   has been truly challenging
   at times

failures deficiencies fears
hopes wishes dreams
illusions and taboos
pieces of history from previous lives
   keep popping up at crucial moments
   in often Freudian transfigurations

   innocuous words
   may trigger convoluted memories
   freighten new contexts
      with old pain and sorrow

   a gesture
   a tone of speech
   a situation
   suddenly turn into déjà vu
   twisting their present freshness
      beyond belief
   into habitual frames of order

   the prisons of our pasts
   do not offer easy escapes

yet we have found each other
   among the billions on this globe

there is no other but the each
   to build a life together
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